Your opinions on California legalizing marijuana?

They are legalizing marijuana in California. They are legalizing marijuana in Washington state in 2012. Is the this a good solution for taxes? Is this a bad idea for the youth? Do you believe teens will start dropping out sooner because it will be more easily available? What do you guys think?
You’re right, I just caught the end of the news. It will be on the ballot. Still answer the question, if it is legalized- your opinions.
They are desperate for revenue. Any port in a storm.
The marijuana laws cause a lot more harm than marijuana. It will save people’s lives if the proposition passes.
They should be doing it EVERYWHERE.
Everyone smokes pot anyway, might as well make some $$ off it and pay off the defecit!
First you are wrong about California.
California has an initiative that just qualified for the November ballot. Its passage is doubtful.
As a parent who fought teenage drug abuse, I’ve personally witnessed the negative, and sometimes fatal, affects it has on teenagers and young adults.
Yes it is a bad idea.
Yes it will lead to more school drop-outs and vagrants.
No it will not help the crime rates decline.
Those that claim otherwise are being very naive or very deceptive.
MORE easily availiable?you are joking right?it will make it harder for the youth to get it!! please join http://WWW.LEAP.CC
I really don’t care whether it’s legal or not.
But if you are smoking, or if you are high, please just stay off the road. I know, many people say smoking makes them drive better (I said it for 9 years), but you REALLY have no idea how badly you’re driving.
No it doesn’t cause as many accidents and/or deaths as alcohol, but that does not mean you should be driving while high.
My cousin managed to get a permit to get legal marijuana here in California. He just went to a doctor, said he was depressed, and next thing you know, he can buy medical marijuana. He even admitted to me and his friends that he just wanted to smoke weed. So look… I have no problem with medical marijuana. But if it is that easy to get medical marijuana, then there’s clearly something wrong with that system.
I stopped smoking 2 years ago. People can choose to smoke marijuana if they wish, I can’t stop them. Most people grow out of it anyway. I don’t think it’s criminal, but I don’t think that it’s necessarily good either. It will not change crime rates in the least. I’m not sure about there being more dropouts (since a lot of people smoke weed and drop out of school regardless if it’s legal or not). We have better things to do than lock people up for marijuana… but I think we also have better things to do than worry about it’s legality.
I don’t smoke, but I definitely think it should be legal, provided that it is regulated like alcohol (no minors, and no driving).
It makes absolutely no sense that cannabis is illegal while alcohol and tobacco (both of which are MORE harmful and MORE addictive) are legal.
Legalization would:
– Create thousands of (legal, income-tax paying) jobs
– Devastate drug cartels, which would suddenly be without 75% of their income
– Provide an enormous windfall for the government, which would bring in billions in taxes and SAVE billions more on law enforcement (ending Prohibition played a big part in getting the U.S. out of the Great Depression)
– Allow police, courts and prisons to focus their resources on DANGEROUS criminals, rather than harmless potheads
Regarding availability to minors, I don’t know about you but when I was in high school, it was WAY easier for kids to get pot than it was to get a six pack of beer. There are serious penalties for adults who provide alcohol to minors. Maybe if it was legalized (and regulated like alcohol), pot would become similarly difficult for kids to obtain.