Wow. I am SO, SO angry. IS this even legal?

So I ordered a laser pointer from amazon, Right? A while later, I get that email saying “will you review this purchase”? So I do. I give it a 3/5, say “yeah, it’s a pot mod, but its ok. It looks cool”. So the seller sees my review. He actually calls my mom’s cell phone and tells her to tell me to take down the review. He sends me emails saying that it hurts him when I give him a bad review. OK, but no way in hell that you email me and call my parents about a review. The whole point of reviews is to tell people about a product. How can it be legal to put pressure on someone to give you a five star or no review? His excuse is, and I quote, “I sell a very good product. I bet you just got the wrong one, because mine is definitely five star.” I took the review down so he would stop emailing me, but god, am I angry.
Put the review back up, and tell about the harrassment. that is what it is. harassment.
Hey William, put it up again, I would
Put it back up, don’t duck away from this prick.
Replace it with a 0/5 review claiming the seller harasses dissatisfied buyers
put the review back up .
do the rounds of the forums telling the above story naming this person
adding his name and phone number and web site and where is to the posts then go sign up his email to every spamming site you can find enter his mobile number into every dud phone sales compertion you can find .Don”t get mad get even .
Do you really believe your review was fair? You gave him 60%. So you’d be ok if your teacher gave you 60% for a good paper?
You have to learn to stand up for yourself, but also to practice the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” and it seems to me that you didn’t do so hot at either.
Are you mad at him for asking or mad at yourself for selling out?
If he was polite then I really don’t see any problem with him asking you to reconsider. Free country and all that. You can’t be in business and not be a little bit aggressive and proud of your products.
As far as putting pressure on. Its called “life”. as in “that’s life”. Who said life should be fair? I do agree that a child shouldn’t be pressured, and probably shouldn’t be buying stuff on line, either. Maybe just at “protected” purple dinosaur sites. Just look at it as a growing experience.
Don’t dwell…learn and move on. BTW, are you serious about thinking that your actions which hurt others (fairly or unfairly, right or wrong) won’t have consequences? How old ARE you? Sounds to me that you screwed him just to be cool. Thats not cool, unless you want to grow up to be a thug. called empathy. Will learn about it more as you grow up.
How did he get your moms number? And how can he do this?