Wow. I am SO, SO angry. IS this even legal?

Wow. I am SO, SO angry. IS this even legal?

So I ordered a laser pointer from amazon, Right? A while later, I get that email saying “will you review this purchase”? So I do. I give it a 3/5, say “yeah, it’s a pot mod, but its ok. It looks cool”. So the seller sees my review. He actually calls my mom’s cell phone and tells her to tell me to take down the review. He sends me emails saying that it hurts him when I give him a bad review. OK, but no way in hell that you email me and call my parents about a review. The whole point of reviews is to tell people about a product. How can it be legal to put pressure on someone to give you a five star or no review? His excuse is, and I quote, “I sell a very good product. I bet you just got the wrong one, because mine is definitely five star.” I took the review down so he would stop emailing me, but god, am I angry.

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