Wouldn’t a true smaller federal government conservative support California’s right to Prop 19 if it passes?

Prop 19 is basically California’s legalize, tax, and regulate weed bill. I was just wondering wouldn’t someone in the US who really supports state rights and conservative support our right to pass prop 19 if we want to. I’m not a user myself but think that this bill if passed will, aside from regulating and providing extra taxable revenue for the state, also hurt the cartel business which have been a problem especially near the international border.
Libertarians and Democrats are for more personal freedoms. Republicans are generally socially conservative (which means they think they have the right to impose their morals on everyone else). Republicans care about smaller government from a fiscal stand point. In other words, they want less taxes but don’t mind the government incringing on the freedom of gays, minorities, and other types of people.
It doesn’t matter what political party is in power . When they are in power they do not support State rights .
The Feds under Bush busted people who grew pot legally ( according to state law legally ) in my state .
Libertarianism is *not* Conservatism, that is where most people on YA get confused.
Fiscally, Conservative and Libertarians share a lot of commonality. Although Libertarians are far more extreme.
On social policies, Libertarians are closer to Liberals. As both want to be free of any moral consequences.
Libertarianism is about as close to anarchy as you can get while still having a government.
no the FBI still has it on the law books as a crime.
A fiscal conservative would support it. A social conservative wouldn’t. I don’t know how neoconservatism even exists with glaring hypocrisy such as this
A “true smaller federal government conservative” would.
However, the War on Drugs provides an excellent example of how much of the Republican party (obviously not very conservative..Bush etc…but still claims to be) is still ALL TALK when it comes to this kind of stuff.
The war on drugs is an affront to individual liberty. Not to mention the policies that attempt to keep people from having drugs (marijuana specifically) cause more damage than the drugs themselves ever could.
The proposition was poorly written and will create all kinds of problems if it passes. There is no mechanism in place for collecting taxes. There is no mechanism for ensuring consistency of product or prevention of contamination with other drugs or chemicals. There is no process to determine the level of influence which would impair driving. The Federal government intends to prosecute people involved in the business since it is still considered a drug by the federal government. And finally, there is a huge industry already in place which is provided by the Mexican drug cartels and they are not going to lie down and go away.
The prop 19 aggressively attacks the very foundation of the DEA. If the bill were to pass it would show the country how inept the federal government really is on just another level. Personally I don’t toke either, but I wish it would pass just to piss the feds off.
I have never tried it and don’t want others to use it, but I hope Prop 19 passes because
–it may increase tax revenue
–it will reduce court and incarceration cost
–it will reduce the time and resources peace officers and public defenders spend on marijuana
–it will save many families the cost of hiring expensive lawyers
–it may reduce the illegal guns flowing from the U.S. to Mexico
–it may reduce the illegal drugs flowing into the U.S. from Mexico and South American, and countries that support terrorism.