Would you support putting Medical Marijuana Users in Labor Camps?

The DEA (using 90 percent of its resources) is cracking down on medical marijuana both pharmacies that supply and patients who consume. Do you think the DEA should put all these people in Labor Camps since they are enemy combatants against the State in this War on Drugs?
I in no way support this, referring to the 90% of resources, it’s actually 100 percent and its solely Medical Marijuana in California. Not Meth in Texas or Cocaine in Florida. This was on the Local News a few nights ago how the DEA is shifting 100 percent of its budget and efforts to Medical Marijuana in California. They are building databases and going after patients as well as caregivers. In doing all this, I’m reminded of Nazi Germany and want to see if the DEA is really trying to send these people to labor camps. They are obviously enemies to the state because they endorse this drug and will continue endorsing it. So according to the government putting these people in labor/prison camps would be a logical solutions. And since most of the country is anti-marijuana I want to see if they would support putting pot-smokers in labor camps.
And pot smokers in labor camps would be efficient since the countries strongest economic region is also home to the most weed smokers.
1. No
2. Link to show proof of your absurd claim
i don’t think a labor camp full of marijuana users would be very efficient
Brilliant – put sick people in labor camps. I wonder how much work they would get done… if any.
What kind of work could they reasonably expect a camp full of pot heads to accomplish?
No, I think we should stop hunting down marijuana users and start focusing on things we can actually prevent and that don’t cost a ton of money for no results.
You would get no labor and their appetites are atrocious.
No. i support the use of medical ganja!!
No, that seems more than a bit too harsh. After all, they have obviously got a legitimate reason for having the drug, in which case it is not criminal possession!
You won’t get any work out of stoners.
NO! Medical marijuana is a wonderful drug that has helped many people. I think pedophiles, rapists and murders should be filling the slots in the “labor camps”. They actually cause harm to people.
No, but I think the Doctors should use better discretion on who they give it too. Most of them are faking just to get pot. I know a few who are doing it right now. How is it so many people in Eureka and Willits Ca are all of the sudden so crippled and needing it? Kind of a no brainer.
Can you show me how you came up with 90% of their resources used for this problem?
i don’t know how effective a work force of pot heads would be.
but no, i would not support the gov. putting anyone in labor camps, except maybe convicts.
but then if they arrested all those people…
and I am sure all the people that are sick will be very productive in a labor camp……..duh
I just completed a college paper on medical marijuana. One person I interviewed had bone cancer. Another had a broken back. Another had had the right half of his brain removed due to a motorcycle accident and used marijuana to control his seizures. He liked to say things like, “I only have half a brain but even I can see the system has problems.” If I only had half a brain I’d use that one too.
No one has ever died from a marijuana overdose. It is non-toxic, except perhaps for particles that can cause lung damage like with cigarettes. It is nowhere near as damaging a drug as alcohol, and for many people it is the only medicine that can give them a decent quality of life. The federal government should drop the issue and leave it to the states. This is supposed to be a free country. The federal government actually supplies about a dozen people with medical marijuana in a program that was started years ago.
You should only know what the Government has been forcing down the publics’ throat. Marijuana is not only good for the body, it makes great paper, lubricant and is safer than alcohol could ever be. people don’t get stoned and beat their wife, you know? they spend thirty dollars at white castle.
Seriously, for those that have a hatred for something they don’t understand.. consider how alcohol is a poison by nature and the eating…….. not smoking….. of marijuana is perfectly safe and healthy.
1. No.
2. Do you know what an enemy combatant is? Because an enemy combatant is not a user of medicinal marijuana.
3. Are you aware that this question is total and complete crap?
any who would is a moron- this is the first stage of total lockdown.
Sure that makes perfect sense …put all the people who have a weed habit which leads to relaxation and laughter and enhanced taste buds in a labor camp and Leave all the heroin, meth, crack and alcohol users which leads to stealing cars and breaking into homes and loss of sleep loss of appetite loss of good judgment loss of self respect and often times violent behavior not to mention drunk drivers loose on the streets. That oughta take a bite out of crime!
More and more of the American people are selling out to the government buying into the BS they sell us everyday all in an effort to live safely inside the bubble that our government has been so sweet to provide us with. Too many people are willing to give up their constitutional rights in order to keep our blinders on and not see what actually makes America the most powerful Nation in the world. Do you really think they do not profit from the production and sale of illegal drugs? They pay a dime maybe even a dollar per kilo of cocaine to the Peruvians and the street value is in excess of 17 thousand dollars per kilo .. hmmm why not divert our focus to the medicinal weed smokers and dealers who have eliminated the black market value for decent pot which takes the governments hands out of the pot (pardon the pun)