Would you support putting Medical Marijuana Users in Labor Camps?

Would you support putting Medical Marijuana Users in Labor Camps?

The DEA (using 90 percent of its resources) is cracking down on medical marijuana both pharmacies that supply and patients who consume. Do you think the DEA should put all these people in Labor Camps since they are enemy combatants against the State in this War on Drugs?
I in no way support this, referring to the 90% of resources, it’s actually 100 percent and its solely Medical Marijuana in California. Not Meth in Texas or Cocaine in Florida. This was on the Local News a few nights ago how the DEA is shifting 100 percent of its budget and efforts to Medical Marijuana in California. They are building databases and going after patients as well as caregivers. In doing all this, I’m reminded of Nazi Germany and want to see if the DEA is really trying to send these people to labor camps. They are obviously enemies to the state because they endorse this drug and will continue endorsing it. So according to the government putting these people in labor/prison camps would be a logical solutions. And since most of the country is anti-marijuana I want to see if they would support putting pot-smokers in labor camps.

And pot smokers in labor camps would be efficient since the countries strongest economic region is also home to the most weed smokers.

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