Would marijuana legalization in California increase the states population growth?

Do you think more people would actually move to the state if marijuana is legalized and would this be good for California’s economy?
Do you think more people would actually move to the state if marijuana is legalized and would this be good for California’s economy?
Medical Marijuana is advancing in Illinois. Check out the latest story from NY Times: SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The... Read More »
Kansas appeals court addresses medical marijuana issue for travelers March 15. By TONY RIZZO. The Kansas City Star.... Read More »
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no, potheads don’t have the ambition to move
no California is becoming a 3rd world state. Are people moving to Bolivia? where the president declared cocaine legal; People move to wear JOBS are not where they can smoke pot
marijuana legalization would be great for the economy. either way its harmless and i do believe more people would relocate to california.
no sure because the cost of living is high and we all know majority of pothead are living on a fix income so unless the cost of living goes down and they add more taco bells in the surrounding areas here wont be a huge increase lol also depends on the law and if it’ll apply to just residents or everyone in california
I’m on the east coast and have no desire to move. I just hope other states will follow suit and eventually legalization on a federal level will occur. I think it is definitely heading that way but in baby steps. We will have to see how it turns out.
California’s population is projected to grow steadily through about 2050 anyway and it would certainly be good for its economy. If they lead the way, I would expect other states to follow.
yes, but it will decrease average income, as users move in, and non-users move out of state.
Yes, but what will happen more is TOURISM. Also, the tourism will add more to the local economies, especially in the Bay area and SoCal, maybe wine country as well. Some people would love to be able to truly rest and relax without having to fly all the way to Amsterdam which happens often. Local businesses would flourish on this money which would be brought in from other areas.
I don’t think it’ll be great from the immigration standpoint, unless the well-to-do potheads move in, but the well to do potheads would have to have a lot of bargaining power to get good jobs and be willing to leave their current employer to relocate.
Therefore, as far as industry goes tourism will fair the best based on existing infastructure and capacity. Bigger industry wouldn’t experience as much of a brain-gain/brain-drain as either-side would push to get their agenda; however some manufacturing and services would be needed to satisfy the new migrants and their needs. Besides tourism some people would be able to capitalize on the influx of cheap labor, but cheap labor is already to be had in some areas of cali (maybe now it would be legal though). Most of the markets would need time to adjust, build infastructure and create new markets. The market for tourism in these regions already has slack. And as far as housing goes, while the aforementioned areas are most desirable to live, people would move to where they can get jobs and afford the cost of living and this is where northern California could see gains as well.
It enjoys a “practically legal” status (there are hundreds of medical marijuana clinics and dispensaries where anyone can walk in claiming to suffer from ailments such as insomnia and anorexia and be given a prescription for medical marijuana) but it is not taxed. If it were fully legalized and taxed more it could generate a lot of money for the state. Also the tourism sector would grow as more people would take pot vacations. The population will grow (mainly from births of people already in the state and from immigration from Asia and Latin America) but there is a decline of people moving to California from other states and some California residents are moving to other states looking for cheaper living situations.
I sure as hell would move there so i wouldnt have to snoop around these nosey ass cops around here. California would end up being the best place to live in the world. Besides Amsterdam, that place is fucking awesome.