Would legalizing marijuana help the economy? Think of all the jobs that would be created by farms and taxe$?

It would take away the billion dollar income from drug cartels. It would create stability and decrease violence in Mexico, which in turn would decrease immigration from there. Tax revenue would go up. It would give entrepeneurs a chance to succeed. Jobs would be created.
Alcoholic beverages are legal and society is fine.
I agree with you. The Drug Cartel would get hit hard, but I do not agree on taxes, I know The Gov. will tax it so high, just with alcohol and cigarettes, our taxes really does not go anywhere but somebody’s pocket.
You have got to be joking…
I have worked in hospitals taking care of the carnage from pot smokers.
How will it help the economy? Let me count the ways.
1. hospitals will be filled with people with lung problems from pot as it is worse then tobacco.
2. children will be born with birth defects such as no hand or arm..cross eyed (as is Anna Nicole Smiths little girl from drugs.) Low IQ, and many other serious birth defects.
3. The jails will be full of those that are driving under the influence.(and don’t say that won’t happen)
as well as crimes such as murder, theft, child abuse….
4. Lawyers will get rich trying to defend you.
for MONEY?
Edit..how in the world can you people that thumbs down can live with yourself if you OK pot and a child is born with birth defects from this habit? …..HOW? Where is your conscience?
i am thinking of a family whose two children were killed by a driver hallucinating on pot while driving
I would still grow my own and so would so many and that’s the problem the government has with legalizing pot
Actually, if they would legalize hemp farming which contains no THC, we would see benefits but not ones that you mentioned. It is a big industry in other countries. The United States purchases plenty of products made from hemp but the United States is the only country in the world where hemp farming is illegal.
There were some headlines recently where a small group of advocates for hemp farming actually went to “City Hall” (don’t remember where) and planted hemp seeds on the front lawn…and were promptly arrested for their trouble. They knew they were going to get arrested and were prepared for it.
Another benefit to your suggestion is that people would want to eat more and the increased sales of “munchies” would stimulate the economy! HA
It would also free up millions, if not billions, of dollars in law-enforcement, court, and incarceration expenses. There is actually no positive gain to society from keeping it illegal.