Will the effect of legalizing marijuana any different than when alcohol was legalized?

I say no. But there are many that feel if marijuana were made legal, then hordes of people would begin coming to work “high” or “stoned”, or more people would drive while being “high”, or children under 18 would be getting “stoned”.
How likely are any of those scenarios?
Why should I believe legalizing the use of marijuana for personal use & sale (not just for medicinal purposes), would have any negative impact on society?
Wouldn’t the government benefit from taxing the sale of it? Wouldn’t we save money not having our police cracking down & busting pot smokers/sellers?
Seems the only ones concerned are the paranoid people (ironic, huh?).
Yeah. I know Prop 19 lost. But I’m still curious as to why anyone would be against it, given the reasons I cited.
BTW, I don’t smoke pot or anything, for that matter. That’s not to say I didn’t 35 years ago.
45 Auto: I do have a child. But implying my stance on the legalization of MJ, is IRRELEVENT to my caring for my child. Obviously, you don’t know the facts or you’re just trying to misdirect the issue.
FACTS promve MJ is no more harmful than beer! FACT! If you don’t believe me, LOOK IT UP YOURSELF. There are all sorts of information on this.
You know Prop 19 failed right?
No, they both have the same effect on the people who use them.
yeah kind of
if it were regulated the same way as alcohol, people couldn’t go to work or drive high any more than people go to work or drive drunk
Sure legalize marijuana. And companies can strictly enforce their no drug policy, including random drug tests at any time. You may have your pot, but you’ll be unemployed. Like that trade off?
I say no as well.
Sure there aer negatives, but there are positives.
1. it would put drug dealers out of business.
2. it would keep harmless people out of jail.(meaning old people, those with disabilities) and that frees up taxpayers money.
3. some company would begin buying up all the seeds, and mass producing it. (think about it, have you ever seen a tobacco seed? Probably not.)
@splitters…………………”Sure legalize marijuana. And companies can strictly enforce their no drug policy, including random drug tests at any time. You may have your pot, but you’ll be unemployed. Like that trade off?”
Companies ALREADY do this.
The fact that Prop 19 only lost by 8 points in what is OBVIOUSLY a very Republican off-year would indicate it could probably pass in a presidential election year. (Old people vote in off-years. Young people don’t). I won’t elaborate on the hypocrisy of espousing “limited government” yet continuing to support a war on drugs.
There is still a lot of misinformation about the reality of illegal marijuana. (For instance some people voted against it because they don’t want more kids smoking weed…………which ignores the reality that various studies have shown weed is actually easier to get than alcohol for high school students RIGHT NOW. In addition, over 50% of high school students have ALREADY smoked marijuana).
The medical marijuana people had a financial interest in opposing it. (Recreational marijuana production would significantly reduce the price and subsequent profit of medical marijuana dispensaries). This is the same for the growers in Humboldt county. The drug cartels are also VERY HAPPY this didn’t pass because over half their annual revenue comes from illegal pot sales in the U.S.
Then there was the obvious “reefer madness” syndrome: People who think legalized marijuana will lead to a spike in traffic fatalities and people coming to work high. (Which ignores the fact that MOST people who drink don’t drive drunk or go to work drunk…………the same can be said for marijuana smokers).
The U.S. federal war on drugs is failing in every respect (specifically: it has met ZERO of its goals after 40 years and trillion dollars spent):
And JUST LIKE prohibition of alcohol (Capone etc) making soft drugs (alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana etc.) illegal makes them extremely profitable and cartels/organized crime VERY wealthy in the process:
Marijuana: Mexico is the number one foreign supplier of marijuana abused in the United States. In fact, according to a 2008 inter-agency report, marijuana is the top revenue generator for Mexican DTOs—a cash crop that finances corruption and the carnage of violence year after year. The profits derived from marijuana trafficking—an industry with minimal overhead costs, controlled entirely by the traffickers—are used not only to finance other drug enterprises by Mexico’s poly-drug cartels, but also to pay recurring “business” expenses, purchase weapons, and bribe corrupt officials. Though the GOM has a robust eradication program, many of the military personnel traditionally assigned to eradicate marijuana and opium poppy have recently been diverted to the offensive against
All of those scenarios are possible, but they won’t happen ALL the time. The same thing happens with alcohol, doesn’t it? Children under 21 drink, people have gone to work drunk, drove drunk, and go out and just get shit faced. It’s no different, other than the fact that most people can better control themselves and be productive and alert while high.
People are afraid of change and will do and say anything to keep things the way they are now.
I believe legalizing marijuana would have a more beneficial effect on our country than a negative one. People could become more productive, more ideas would be accepted, our country could be brought out of debt, and pot smokers that are classified as “criminals” for smoking a joint wouldn’t be criminals, leaving police to focus more on REAL criminals.
No but most people do not know anything about that. They do not not teach important stuff at school.
Pot smoking would decline.
People do come to work high or stoned, people do drive while high and children under 18 do get stoned. If you legalize marijauan, you would, if anything, increase the likelihood of these occurrences. You would send a message that this isn’t as bad as people think.
While government might benefit from taxing it, it will also lose out on a population that might care less about its development.
Many people are concerned, most especially parents, some of which were hippies back in the day and I guarantee you a lot of people who voted against prop 19 probably have smoked weed.
Legalizing weed raises a number of legal questions. The average person eliminates on average of about a beer an hour, in other words you go out a 9 and have six beers and are home at midnight you will be sober by the next morning and (this is a big and) you will not have alcohol in your blood.
Smoking weed just like drinking affects your ability to do average every day tasks such as driving (maybe not exactly the same but it does affect you and your abilities), the issue comes up when you are involved in an accident and are tested for levels of THC, it stays in your blood for a week to two weeks. So you could be 100% straight and still get a driving impaired charge against you. So what is the solution?
I guess that Y it’s called DOPE. Drugs are for those that can’t deal with reality.I guess U don’t have children and care about the harm that comes for the use.Like lung cancer for 1 addiction, and health issues.