Will the effect of legalizing marijuana any different than when alcohol was legalized?

Will the effect of legalizing marijuana any different than when alcohol was legalized?

I say no. But there are many that feel if marijuana were made legal, then hordes of people would begin coming to work “high” or “stoned”, or more people would drive while being “high”, or children under 18 would be getting “stoned”.

How likely are any of those scenarios?
Why should I believe legalizing the use of marijuana for personal use & sale (not just for medicinal purposes), would have any negative impact on society?
Wouldn’t the government benefit from taxing the sale of it? Wouldn’t we save money not having our police cracking down & busting pot smokers/sellers?

Seems the only ones concerned are the paranoid people (ironic, huh?).
Yeah. I know Prop 19 lost. But I’m still curious as to why anyone would be against it, given the reasons I cited.
BTW, I don’t smoke pot or anything, for that matter. That’s not to say I didn’t 35 years ago.
45 Auto: I do have a child. But implying my stance on the legalization of MJ, is IRRELEVENT to my caring for my child. Obviously, you don’t know the facts or you’re just trying to misdirect the issue.
FACTS promve MJ is no more harmful than beer! FACT! If you don’t believe me, LOOK IT UP YOURSELF. There are all sorts of information on this.

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