Will Proposition 19 (decriminalization of marijuana) be passed in California?

Will California pass Proposition 19 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_Proposition_19)??
If it passes, do you think other states will soon follow their path?
Will California pass Proposition 19 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_Proposition_19)??
If it passes, do you think other states will soon follow their path?
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Well California would following Massachusetts path as it’s already decriminalized there state-wide.
I think more will hop on board after the 2nd state decriminalizes bud. Hopefully NJ will be the 3rd so I can go to the police station and smoke a joint while happily accepting $100 ticket bahaha.
Will it pass? Come back after the election in November and we can accurately tell you.
Will other states do the same if it does? Some probably will and some probably won’t. It will be up to each state to decide.
go suck a egg
First, Proposition 19 is not going to decriminalize marijuana. Marijuana has been decriminalized in California since 1976. Prop 19 aims to regulate, control and tax marijuana.
pretty much it will be at the same level as alcohol, or so we hope..
I can’t tell you whether or not it will pass but current polls are in at 47% yes and 43% no..
And yes i think other states will follow suit.