Will a Unlawful Possession of Marijuana show on a regular background check?

its a long story how this ended up happening but in the end it got me a 221.05 under the Penal code of New York Law. Unlawful possession of Marijuana.
At one point i thought this was a pay your fine and your off deal but i learned from the family lawyer that it can be found on extensive background checks even though it doesnt creat a record…
my question is how extensive does this background check have to be? are we talkin CIA FBI kind of background check? what about a med/ pharmacy /dental school and certification?? is their a way to get it written off completely some way? im 19 btw
You should have the record expunged.~
New York
» As of September 17, 2007 Records Removal Services is very selective about the cases we will accept in the State of New York. Current laws in New York make the expungement, seal, or pardon of criminal records difficult, and often times, impossible.
Pardon in the State of New York: A pardon relieves an offender from further punishment imposed by reason of a conviction of a criminal offense.
Expungement in the State of New York: Adult felony and misdemeanor convictions cannot be expunged, except where a pardon has been given for innocence.
In all the above cases of persons eligible for expungement, the expungement is to be made as a matter of law. In the case of youths seeking to have records expunged under the inherent authority of the court, a motion to expunge must be made.
Certificates in the State of New York: A certificate is available to people with no more than one felony conviction and many misdemeanor convictions. The certificate will relieve and remove disabilities and disqualifications that are imposed upon as a result of the conviction. It will restore firearm rights through specific indication.
A certificate makes it illegal for an employer to consider an applicants criminal background in the hiring process. If applicant is turned down for the job then employer must write a letter stating why applicant was not hired.
Certificate of Relief from Disabilities (CRD): CRD is available to people with no more than one felony conviction and any number of misdemeanor convictions. A CRD is also available to people with federal convictions who reside in New York at sentencing, or at any time thereafter. If issued prior to expiration of supervision, it is deemed temporary, and may be revoked.
Certificate of Good Conduct (CDC): CDC is available to people with a multitude of felony convictions.
Sealing criminal records in the State of New York: Sealing is available for favorable dispositions such as acquittals, dismissals, decline prosecution and a variety of non criminal infractions (except DWI and prostitution).
Click here for detailed information on how Records Removal Services can expunge, seal, set-aside, vacate, or pardon your criminal record.
Additional sealing provisions apply to Youthful Offender adjudications and juvenile proceedings.
Youth offenders may have records expunged in the court’s discretion, using the inherent authority of the court. Fam. Ct. Act § 373.3.
Youth offenders may have all fingerprints, palm prints, photographs, and copies thereof, and all other information obtained in the case destroyed under Fam. Ct. Act § 354.1.