Why isn’t Marijuana legalized?

The recent rejection of Proposition 19 in California has left me profoundly confused, considering that California is a very liberal state. And before I was already confused as to why ANYONE would want to keep it illegal in the first place.
Enlighten me. Why should we keep marijuana illegal?
Please link sources to assertions (ex. Marijuana causes one to lose brain cells).
Thanks in advance!
because white people are hypocrites
Why aren’t happy meal toys?
Those who oppose it are biased and lack any form of reasoning.
Cigarettes are 100 times more addictive and twice as deadly.
Because Industry lobbyists deem it a threat
and politicians can’t live without their bribe money.
its a great scape goat.
Negative perception brought on by decades of propaganda.
Because the people decided not to legalize it… Just because you want it doesn’t mean it’s what should be. That’s why there is a democracy…
It should be legalized. Sooner or later we will grow up and stop trying to impose our values on the rest of society. Driving while high is a crime, booze or pot. Sitting at home drunk or high is none of my business.
Follow the money.
A vote for prohibition is a vote for organized crime.
It’s an entry drug Bozo. Why do you use it? It damnn sure don’t make you any smarter
From what I read today, CA passed that a person can’t be arrested or sent to jail with one ounce or less in their possession.
They just didn’t want people to be able to grow it.
I don’t smoke dope, but when I did years ago all it did was make me sleepy and hungry.
I think there are a lot worse things for people to go to jail over.
because it leads to the munchies and that leads to bad eating behaviors….lol and Michelle won’t have that….
I don’t know, but everyone who still uses marijuana that I know are apathetic toward life and live loser lives. Coincidence?
Prop. 19 was vague and random…. like most attempts to decriminalize or legalize marijuana.
1. Californians KNOW that marijuana is de facto legal in their state. Possession on less than an oz gets you a ticket….that’s all.
2. Californians KNOW that very high quality marijuana is readily available to anyone that wants it ALREADY.
3. 25 square feet of grow space is MINUSCULE…. and the people who grow their own bud KNOW THIS.
4. Some of the biggest opposition came out of Humboldt County….. the purveyors of MOST of the currently available “medical marijuana” in California.
5. There was some opposition because many people think (probably correctly) that the average quality would be REDUCED by outright legalization. In other words Humboldt County was against it…. and so were their customers….. because if any Joe Schmo can grow….. it’s going to hurt the people that ACTUALLY know how to grow. (It isn’t that hard to grow… but it IS hard to grow the top shelf stuff consistently).
Those are the reasons as I see it. Legalization is a ways off….. but decriminalization already exists in CA.
@Bobo….. you just don’t know the right people chief. Half the professionals I know and work with will light up the occasional joint….. remember that the next time you go to the doctor or talk to a lawyer or visit the pharmacy.
Considering these are ALL people with post-graduate degrees I think your premise fails. In fact… your BOSS probably smokes on occasion… and wonders why you are so square.
I don’t get it either. It’s a million times safer than nicotine or alcohol. Billions of dollars a year are wasted imprisoning harmless hippies for growing and possessing it. Legalizing it would stimulate the economy and put the dangerous drug dealers out of business. And I also think that legalizing it would change its ‘gateway drug’ status. If you could grow pot in your backyard or buy it at the supermarket instead of from a dirty drug dealer who also peddles more dangerous drugs it probably wouldn’t be much of a gateway drug anymore. Another thing to consider is that pot is also a medicinal herb. Natural, inexpensive and effective it’s probably the best thing that a cancer patient or a chronic pain sufferer can take for relief. Makes me wonder if the pharmaceutical companies have had a hand in keeping it illegal. I’m sure they’d lose money if people could use pot instead of paying for their synthetic and expensive alternatives.
Every carcinogen found in cigarettes are found in Pot, it takes a long time for Pot to be excreted from the body. Would you feel comfortable if your daughter smoked that filth and drove an automobile? It is a dirty disgusting habit that Americas youngsters should never see as ‘legal and safe’. Also, the Pot today is not the gentle ‘weed’ smoked by hippies. It is a hybrid 50 times stronger than the flower people smoked. Think of a Pit Bull dog stood next to a kitten and you see an example of the difference between today’s Pot and yesterdays.