Why isn’t marijuana decriminalized yet?

Tobacco, alcohol and caffeine are all legal. Physical dependence develops when using any of these three frequently. All three have been linked to health problems and deaths. Although caffeine is clearly the more benign of the 3 legal drugs, deaths can and have resulted because of stomach ulcers or irregular heartbeat due to long-term consumption. Meanwhile, marijuana is not physically addictive and has been shown in studies to even inhibit the growth of cancer cells:
Not to mention that legalizing marijuana would allow us to have hemp farms once again in the US. A whole new industry and jobs could be created with the legalization.
Decriminalizing marijuana would also be a great way to take the legs out from underneath illegal drug traffickers like the Mexican narcotraficos who are violent and will stop at nothing to make a profit. Legalizing marijuana would make the price plummet and make it a non-profitable business to engage in, limiting their options to other prohibited drugs.
The only argument against marijuana legalization is the fact that inhalation of smoke is not good for humans. However, if marijuana were legal, people would be able to buy more marijuana for less money and consume it orally in cakes, soups and teas without any need to inhale the smoke. People smoke it because they get more benefit from a smaller amount this way.
So again… why isn’t marijuana decriminalized yet?
It is in my state.
Jesus doesn’t like pot heads, obviously this is why.
It has a stigma. It’s a bit ridiculous actually.
Because the profit from a marijuana bust outweighs the profit from taxing it. As you can see from my avatar though, I’m clearly for decriminalization.
Edit: Get a life, thumbs-downers.
As much as I agree, why is this being posted here?
because the people we vote into office dont give a flip about what we think.
People are making money off the status quo. Big drug companies cannot patent a plant.
Because even if it were legal, the people that distribute it also distribute illegal drugs like PCP, Heroine, crack, etc…
Marijuana doesn’t benefit you, and only damages your body, just like tobacco. Do you even realize how many people have been fighting to make tobacco illegal?
I’ve never had alcohol and I’d like for it to be illegal to put a certain amount of it in beer, but my word is poop to everyone, so…
In Hawaii they have places like bars for people to smoke their pot safely. They take a persons keys if they are to high to drive and all that….. Why can’t the rest of the US do that….. I dunno, the higher ups are taking bribes from the drug traffickers?
It’s safer than cigs….. Why not?
I agree with you 100%
the effects of alcohol are worse than thos of marijuana. alcoholics are loud, agressive, disruptive where as the majority of potheads are calm, peaceful and open minded.
maybe it is because alcohol is easier to manifacture than weed. alot of people disagree with weed because they havent tried it.
And have a mind expanding substance available to the public at large? Not gonna happen. Governments only like stuff that shuts people down.
so many reasons….. America is the land of the greed, no where else in the world do you see so many big cooperators, and no where else are they so greedy as in the US.
this greed is why its illegal, pharmaceutical companies make money off of weed being illegal because if its legal, no one will buy there drugs, because marijuana is way healthier for you and works better than prescription drugs.
also, marijuana being illegal threatens lumber and oil companies because if marijuana is illegal, there are very few people growing hemp. and Hemp can be used to make paper, fuel, and plastics and clothing, all while being better for the environment than what is currently used, but oil companies and lumber companies do not like this, and this is why oil companies sponsor pattern ship for drug free America, because oil is used to make plastics….
i am lucky to escape all this because i live in Canada, i see every day the lack of violent and problems here because drug laws aren’t enforced, or at least, not very strictly, but in the US they are. in the US marijuana is considered just as much of a threat as Heroin, but marijuana is way healthier, and yet the US drug laws state that marijuana is more harmful than cocaine, and this is all dude to Americas greedy corporations.
the prisons systems also make money from stupid drug laws, the US has about 5 or 6 % of the worlds population, but it also had 25% of the worlds prison population. The US has the most prisoners in the world.