Why is selling bongs and stuff legal?
How is that legal but the actual marijuana illegal?
How come selling the bong, which is obviously for smoking weed, legal if they know that it is used for something blatantly illegal?
How is that legal but the actual marijuana illegal?
How come selling the bong, which is obviously for smoking weed, legal if they know that it is used for something blatantly illegal?
Is this a good vap for Marijuana? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Herbal-Vaporizer-Digital-Vaporizer-Grinder-Whip-16f-/150602093759?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item23109594bf How good is it and how high do you get? Read More »
It is illegal for me to buy tobacco but i want to know if i can buy rolling... Read More »
Roor wins with Ghost..Cali Connection with The Klingon #2…and Dragon Bong 3rd! Read More »
Well, technically bongs and pieces can be used for tobacco. So they’re not illegal. Although they have a colloquial use for pot, it’s not they’re sole purpose.
Because bongs, water pipes, hookahs, and the sort were originally designed for tobacco usage. What you do with it is your business…like whipped cream…
In some places it isn’t legal. Why is marijuana illegal and tobacco and alcohol legal? It doesn’t have to make sense, it’s the law.
like the others say it is meant to be used to smoke tobacco out of. As long as it doesn’t have residue of weed in it you can travel with it. So if you are traveling with it make sure you have no traces of resin in it. I am not sure about the glass pipes that they sell for meth use though. Obviously you cannot smoke tobacco out of those.
I agree with everyone here but I will add something to it. Cops are smart. They know what it is use for. If you have it with you you may not have anything illegal they will give you he** for having it. And because they know what its used for most city’s and states give the officers the right to check the car so on.
If you walk into any head shop (a place that sells MJ paraphernalia) there will be a large poster that says “all items in this shop are intended for tobacco purposes. If you mention to the clerk that your intentions are for marijuana he will ask you to leave and never return.