Why is it legally accepted that some men consently penetrates another man but not smoking marihuana?
Even gay marriage has become normal and legal but not having a spliff or growing your own weed at home.What kind of weird freedom is that?
Of 2 men, 1 may get hurt in its rear and might even get Aids or other sexually transmited disease WHILST CONSUMING CANNABIS MIGHT JUST GET you STONED AND CHILL ed OUT FOR A WHILE ,ALONE OR IN GOOD COMPANY TOO.
Well the religious right would still prefer to have both outlawed (which I disagree with), but they are losing the battle over gay marriage because of the number of people (of all persuasions) who support it (myself included).
Marijuana smokers are (generally speaking) not terribly organized or even motivated to change the laws, and given most law enforcement personnel don’t really spend much time going after the casual user, there isn’t a huge incentive either.
As an independent conservative I would legalize both for no other reason than it simply isn’t the government’s place to dictate what people can and cannot do in the privacy of their own homes or in their personal lives when others are not affected. Pot is no more dangerous than alcohol or tobacco. Plus the government could generate tax dollars on it and businesses could employ people in the manufacturing plants.
That would have done more for our country than any stimulus package!
Wtf are you talking about? You even included the word “consenting.” What is wrong with consentual sex? Marijuana alters your state of mind. I don’t necessarily support the illegalization of marijuana, but impaired drivers can hurt someone. Two consenting adults doesn’t hurt anyone.
i agree with everything that kayla said.
and i agree with you too that our rights as individuals are screwed up. we live in a screwed up world, thats all. lol
because it would be kinda stupid to make a law saying gay men can’t have sex. Waste of tax payers money. And I think its stupid that weed is illegal there’s a lot of people in jail that really have no reason to be there. I mean they handcuffed a guy in a wheel chair to his wheel chair in cali cause he had weed that he was allowed to have by the state of cali for medical use but the dea came in a arrested him. Also unless they guy is getting raped which is illegal he probably wont get hurt and you should always check the person your with. Thats the risk he’s taking. But its not a reason to make gay sex illegal. I mean some people tie other people to furniture and beat the s*** outta them for sexual pleasure and thats not illegal.