Why is cigarettes legal and medical marijuana is not in all states?
My question is, why is medical marijuana not legal in all states but cigarettes, which are as addictive as heroin AND proven to cause lung cancer, legal?
My question is, why is medical marijuana not legal in all states but cigarettes, which are as addictive as heroin AND proven to cause lung cancer, legal?
While the legal gap decreases with every state victory, there remains a prevalent misconception that marijuana is a... Read More »
[repostus jump=4 hash=2ba4339e37d12de1593d7755ef0dcbe9 title=Michigan+Lawmakers+Pushing+Bill+to+Lift+Marijuana+Prohibition%2C+Bipartisan+Support host=stonesdetroit.com+ short=1GrhV snip=By+Ali+Papademetriou+House+Bill+4623+would+greatly+lessen+the+penalty+for+being+in+possession+of+small+amounts+of+marijuana+in+the+state+of+Michigan%2C+making+it+only+a+civil+violation+rather+than+criminal.+The+bill+was+introduced+in+April+by+Representative+Jeff+Irwin+and+is+co-sponsored+by+Representatives%26hellip%3B thumb=5920338] Read More »
Hey investors… let’s talk! Check out this Newport Beach VC firm that raised $1 million to invest in... Read More »
Why ARE cigarettes legal
Not why is cigarettes legal
it was outlawed as a drug before deep studies were done on it. Now they realize that it DOES have medical abilities and can benefit society so its slowly being legalized for medical use.
the way i see it is that it has been illegal for a very long time, so with most people (voters) it is thought to be as illegal and should be. so instead of looking up the problems that come with marijuana (or the lack there-of) they automaticaly say that it should be illegal and dont give it a second thought.
Because the government has not figured out how to tax weed yet
The government doesn’t really care about your health. They don’t care if cigarettes are addictive or cancerous because it doesn’t hurt corporate profit; it helps it. People will say marijuana is illegal because it is detrimental to society, offers no benefits, will increase car accidents/ driving under the influence, teenagers using, etc, but the real reason is simple: corporate greed. Marijuana is illegal because in the 1930s, the timber industry and William Randolph Hearst launched a smear campaign, turning the public against it. They did this not because marijuana was harmful but because the versatility of hemp could make them lose money in paper production. Now, it remains illegal for a similar reason. If it were legal to grow cannabis in the U.S., many corporations would lose profit because hemp can be used in almost everything. The corporate leaders have a lot of money and influence and use this to dominate politics. Tobacco, on the other hand, cannot be used for anything besides smoking; it wouldn’t hurt any powerful corporate leaders. The negative image marijuana has as a result of propoganda is another reason, as it turns a good deal of the public away from legalization. Marijuana was associated with blacks and hispanics around the time it was criminalized, which demonized it all the more in a racist white-dominated society. While cigarettes are likewise bashed by anti-smoking groups, many of those groups have only recently arisen.
because marijuana gets people high and impairs judgment. cigarettes mainly just calms the body…
I know a guy that his doctor told him he needed to take pot. He was so conservative and convinced that it was a terrible thing, even though the stuff he was taking was killing him, he wouldn’t us it. Many people in power have been brain washed into thinking it a dangerous drug or don’t want another drug on the market. while marijuana is beneficial and much of it’s byproducts useful in industries when it is used with alcohol it causes the alcohol high which tends towards violence to be intensified. They could out law the use with alcohol. It can inhibit driving and operation of equipment. Tends to cause tunnel vision thinking and focusing on just one thing at a time. I believe it’s benefits out way this. One legalizing it would stop gang activities and political payoffs. It is a excellent antidepressant without the bad side affects of current drugs. Many under chemo treatments can’t hold down and don’t have an interest in food. Marijuana can reverse this bad side affect. There are hundreds of medical uses and as a result many states are legalizing it for medical purposes. Industry could also benefit and the plant is environmentally friendly. Can replace many uses of plastics which are a great threat. If anything would boost the economy and increase revenue for taxes next to alcohol and cigarettes it would. Mostly I think it is just plain ignorance as a result of media that has kept it illegal.
i dont know but we have medical meth aka Desoxyn and medical heroin aka morphine why cant we have medical cannabis?
Because the government hasn’t figured out a way to tax it, and alcohol companies don’t want to compete with marijuana. (They pay for the majority of anti-marijuana campaigns)
The whole thing is ridiculous. They are holding us to a standard of law that’s over 70 years old. Their argument back then is so preposterous, I can’t believe our government can’t figure out a way to tax it.