Why heart beats really fast when smoking weed?

Why heart beats really fast when smoking weed?

So I’ve recently tried marijuana to help my depression…my doctor prescribed it to me after a few of my friends told me to try it since they are suffering from cancer, etc. and it helps them feel more “lively”. I smoked it at home yesterday and felt like I was going to die…my heart was beating at probably 3 or 4 beats per seconds. For 15 minutes I was really scared because my heart got hot and then cold, I sat down on my couch and tried to calm down. After that my heart went back down to about 2 or 3 beats per second and beat steadily. Is this normal when smoking weed? I bought “white widow” at the dispensary and it wasn’t some kind of weird shop, it was a normal pharmacy that also sells marijuana to people with the medical cards…

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