Why don’t the “War on Drugs” advocates admit the true gate-way drug is alcohol?

Why don’t the “War on Drugs” advocates admit the true gate-way drug is alcohol?

I know two heroin addicts. Both of them started with ALCOHOL.
One hated marijuana, never used it, and the other just did anything she could get her hands on.

But they both started with alcohol and cigarettes,
when do you think the whole brainwashing mantra: “pot is a gateway drug” lie will finally be put to rest?
a drug is a drug is a drug, there is no such thing as a “gate-way”.
The difference between a drug, a medicine and a poison is all dosage. Be they narcotic or pharmaceutical.
Football fan: I’m just wondering if you have the intellectual capability to break down why you think I’m not consistant?
Football fan: LOL! tard…I invite everyone to read what I typed very carefully, I stick by what I said!
Poor people really SHOULDN’T BE SPENDING $4000 OR MORE A YEAR ON CIGARETTES! They DON’T have that kind of money, and it is a wise suggestion that if you quit smoking you can save a fortune each month that poor people obviously need more than anyone else!
Plus, cigarettes and alcohol are a gate-way drug, didn’t you get that?
Jeez, football fan, you’re not too bright.

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