Why doesn’t the US just legalize and tax Marijuana? Millions of people are buying everyday. Why not tax them?

Plus all of the drug dealers and distributors that have big businesses and pay no tax. It’s crazy!
If we did this the economy would be back to full strength in a year.
It’s something that is cheap to manufacture and would increase demand at US farms as well as create jobs during the shipping process. Make marijuana adhere to the same laws as alcohol and watch the money fly in.
Why isn’t this being done?
Because crime rates will soar
Look at how great alcohol is contributing to society
Tons of DUI, crimes committed while impaired, etc
Imagine what that would be if marijuana is legalized
Why do you think drug dealers would suddenly want to pay taxes on the marijuana that they sell? That would mean they would make less money!
A simple way to tackle drug crime is to legalise the substance the crime is occuring over.
When was the last time you heard of a crime war being waged over cheap lager?
More people than you can imagine use it, so I have to agree. I do not smoke pot and would be livid if I found out one of my kids did, but seriously. Imagine…the planting, harvesting, packaging…it would create oodles of jobs and revenue. The tax money alone would be insane.
As for more crime …..eh….pot makes you mellow. I’ve never seen anyone enraged on pot…lmao! Honestly, it wouldn’t be any different. People use it now when it is illegal….what would change?
I don’t know.
My best reason would be it’d be a starter for other drugs being legalized–ie, if you legalize marijuana, when does it become ok to legalize heroin or crack, ‘for the benefit of business?’
A more far fetched reason would be the Opium crisis in China a few hundred years ago. China went from the premier power in the world to just an average nation in a matter of decades after an excess of opium came through from Europe and essentially everyone in China became addicted to it.
It all comes down to because people would just grow it in their back yards or in their house without paying taxes! The guy that said, because it would make crime rise like alcohol does, doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I’ve asked cops who they would rather deal with, and drunk, or someone on pot? They all said, a pot head. Why? Because most pot heads are laid back, they don’t want to fight! A drunk is ready to go get a gun and shot you, or try to do as much damage as possible!
The US, in my opinion will never tax any illegal drug for the sake
of balancing the budget.You have to realize that the government,
regardless of how money hungry and shady it is does have some
morals still in tact.There are to many other ways to generate
revenue without having to resort to such a controversial and immoral
Wow Zojay is lost. Prohibition increases crime rates. Legalizing it would do the exact opposite of that lie.
Lobbyists from alcohol, tobacco, paper, forestry, plastic, fuel and so on spend their *** off buying out congress and promoting the propaganda you will probably hear right here.
It was originally made illegal to target illegal Mexican immigrants. Now it is enshrined into society. They used to run propaganda adds that it made white women have sex with Mexican and black men.
These days we have a police state culture. If it were to be legalized then many police would likely be out of a job.
It is a proven fact that prohibition increases overall crime rates. If it were legalized then there would be a lot less crime and a lot less need for the services of the prison industrial complex.
Watchful is correct and back when it was legal the government did tax it, it was called the marijuana tax stamp. You bought the stamp to put on your bag and a crime was only committed if you were found with untaxed marijuana, and the government did make a pretty penny off it.