Why does our culture consider the use of drugs to be a criminal act?
People who use drugs need help, not thrown in prison. And why are tobacco and alcohol legal (they are drugs too) and kill tens of thousands of people, yet legally we consider the use of marijuana to be criminal. I am not advocating drug use, just pointing out maybe we should not worry so much about “the war on drugs” and consentrate on catching true criminals.
I for one think we should end drug smuggling into our borders, kill it from the source
I watched a show recently on CA prisons, and they said like 85% of their inmates were there because of some kind of drug problem, and they just wished for a rehab program. There aren’t enough programs, and that’s what people with an addiction are requesting! Throwing people into prisons with other losers doesn’t solve anything. I wish there were not a need for prescriptions, but apparently people would misuse those drugs too.
MISUSE OF DRUGS is the problem.
Doctors, Pharmacists and Veterenarians use drugs legally.
Misuse of alcohol is also a crime.
Being an abuser is NOT an excuse to escape punishment.
Abusers receive help, and their punishment.
You should check with M.A.D.D for the next sentencing of DUI’s in your city and go to the court.
Listen to these idiots that have killed innocent people cry to the judge that they need “help”. They didn’t mean it. They’re sorry.
Lock them up and they’ll take it seriously.
using drugs is a major loss to the country in the form of human resource.it is usually used by the youth,leads to increased crime rate.these 2 factors are less in alcohol and tobacco
Look the fact of the matter is The War on Drugs is BULLSHIT!
Civil liberties say we have the right to our own bodies, The right to do as we please as long as it doesn’t offend or harm another individual. One Million people were sent to jail last year for marijuana related offenses this combined with the “War on Drugs” costs us tax payers billions of dollars, when we could just as easily legalize marijuana and put that money PLUS the money gained from any applicable tax on marijuana towards better use. The harmful effects of marijuana are VASTLY exaggerated, the biggest reason you shouldnt smoke pot? Its illegal and honestly thats a pretty crappy reason if you ask me.
Prohibition does not work. Making vice illegal only drives it underground and increases the profit motive. The drug pushers make huge profits so they can buy the weapons to run their turf wars. They can run free samples into the school and get lifetime addicted customers. They can hire the best lawyers and have their off shore nest egg if they ever think they need to disappear.
The only way to fight drugs is for the government to dispense them… everything. Don’t let this scum profit from making addicts and criminals of our children.