Why does Obama think that small businesses need to increase their debt?

Why does Obama think that small businesses need to increase their debt?

He is urging banks to lend more to small business.

Government would help small business formation and survival a lot better if it cut out a lot of regulations.

For example, someone thinking about selling a few plants potted from their garden at at flea market would have to get a landscaping license from the state to be legal, and the cost of that yearly license fee would probably exceed the revenues of a casual seller.

Can you imagine someone trying to start a food business in their kitchen like Mrs. Fields did? Regulations would mean the hurdle of a big start up cost.

Or if people tried to sell apples and cherries from trees in their yard they would probably be fined.

Can you imagine Bill Gates wanting a Small Business Loan at the stage when he was still working in his garage?

Small businesses do not need loans until they have actually taken off, and it does not help the entrepreneur to push unnecessary borrowing on him.

Small Business Administration Loans are not cheap either. Oddly enough, the government tries to push those loans on people whose houses have suffered a weather disaster to use that money to rebuild.

And it helps neither the entrepreneur or the economy for General Loan Committees of banks to lower their standards

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