Why does California need prop 19 when they already have medical marijuana legal in that state?

if people need pot so much they should go to their doctor and see if they NEED a PRESCRIPTION. Otherwise, they have no business smoking pot. Certain drugs should only be bought with a prescription. We dont need more drug users abusing more drugs. Theres already enough problems with people dieing from tobacco and alcoholics killing their liver, and on the roads killing more people. Do you want to add stoned drivers to the roads too?
California, as well as any other state, can’t trump federal law.
Btw, why are there no warning labels on medical marijuana? One could be, “Caution, the use of this product may make you believe that you’re dying of a disease that in fact doesn’t even exist.”
this is the get out to vote plan of democrats.
people sometimes fear what they know nothing about
I think it’s not for medical reasons. It’s to make it legal so it can be taxed so CA can begin to get out of debt. Think of the billions that will be saved by not sending people into the mountains to find the stuff, saved in not sending people to prison for doing nothing more than people who like to have a drink do. Think of it this way: If you believe in States Rights, it’s a perfect test to see just how far the Feds will REALLY go to overturn State Rule. I think every Tea Party person should be standing up for this because it’s what they say they are FOR – States Rights
Edit: Commander McBragg — so according to your description am i to understand you ARE for big government getting into your life? OR is it that you’re FOR big government ONLY when it suits you? As far as being stoned – I’ve often heard people who have had too much to drink being referred to as stoned…..maybe THAT’s what’s wrong with the Republicans – too much whiskey???
Everybody must get stoned.
bad arguments buddy.
Looks like the golden state will be the pot state
And tell me again who you are to tell me what I have business doing? Oh, nobody, that’s what I thought.
I think you need to at least be educated on the issue to form a valid opinion on prop 19.
I have respect for some of the VALID reasons people who oppose 19 point out, but none are on your radar.
How can marijuana be considered a abusive drug when alcohol and Tobacco or both more addicting.
There was also a study done by the Israelis 2 years ago that proves that drunk drivers cause more accidents then high drivers. Plus there has NEVER EVER been a death credited to smoking to much bud you asshole.
Marijuana is one of the causes of Liberalism. It is harder to come up with a responsible vision of government when one is stoned a lot. The original modern Democrats were 60’s Liberals smoking pot and taking LSD. Liberals that feel threats in their numbers will look to drug use along with corresponding brain damage to reinforce their ranks.