Why does California even need Proposition 19 when they already have medical marijuana legal there?

They already have medical marijuana for people needing it with prescriptions. What more do they want to do and isnt it pointless? Should people be allowed to take Seroquel, Xanax and Ritaline without a prescription too? Or what??
Just like with those other substances I listed, they should only be used by a prescription with permission from a doctor.
Just like you cant just buy insulin likes its a candy.
its ALREADY legalized for people that NEED IT!
What more do you want??
Would you want to get a prescription for a case of beer?
Because not all people can qualify for medical marijuana and if they do, they still have to pay an office call to make the Drs more wealthy for nothing.
My body my choice. If I get pregnant I should be able to abort it and eat it. Why cant I eat some mushrooms, take acid, and smoke weed? It ain’t hurtin you!
Our state is friggin poor. They can sell it and make more money.
Xanax and all of that stuff is disgusting, I don’t know anyone who would use that except for desperate teens who hate their lives and want to get high in a way that brings them closer to death. Losers.
Because it grows naturally, and should be obtained without a doctor’s perscription.
And just take a trip down tijuana, you can get those drugs without a prescription.
So that when Prop 8 is over turned they can all get high enough to marry the gay guy upstairs
Why the hell would you care? It doesn’t affect you in any way. If you don’t like marijuana, don’t use it.
marijuana is not as dangerous as the medications you list, or for that matter cigarettes and alcohol, the government should not have a say what americans can use as long as they are not hurting or bothering anyone. no more non violent offenders crowding our prisons, taxes are high as it is.
“its ALREADY legalized for people that NEED IT!
What more do you want??”
they want it legalized so it can be taxed to help their bankrupt economy. and 90% of the people who are getting it don’t really “need it”, theyre just taken advantage of a stupid system
legalize it for $$$’s sake so we can end the argument. weed is hardly even bad compared to alcohol and cigarettes anyway….
no one needs alcohol, should it be illegal too? what about nicotine?
if you understand the risks involved, you should be able to take any drug you desire. if you can’t put whatever you want into your body, you don’t live in a free country.
The druggy democrats need it. That’s how they cope with the screw ups they’ve done to this state. BTW: insulin takes the sugar out of the blood stream, candy, puts it in.
Prop 19 makes recreational use of marijuana legal for anyone over 21yo. It is not part of the medical laws. Thus, anyone over 21 can possess and use marijuana without going to a doctor for a recommendation.
Don’t worry about it.
Proposition 19 is not likely to pass in the first place & it is a very limited decriminalization of the drug not legalization.
Again I say it is unlikely to pass because of many things but keeping the growing of industrial hemp/cannabis illegal is a crime in itself.