Why do you feel marijuana should be decriminalized?

I’m a strong advocate for the legalization myself, but I wanna hear from you.
I’m a strong advocate for the legalization myself, but I wanna hear from you.
Medical Marijuana is advancing in Illinois. Check out the latest story from NY Times: SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The... Read More »
Kansas appeals court addresses medical marijuana issue for travelers March 15. By TONY RIZZO. The Kansas City Star.... Read More »
Foxborough Needs to Establish Medical Marijuana District Following AG's Ruling “Unless somebody can articulate something specific I think... Read More »
I don’t. What good will come out of legalizing drugs?
Because there are much worse things that are legal.
I don’t.
Only losers use drugs.
(Or is that “only users lose drugs”? I can never remember.)
The way the laws stand now, it keeps a lot of good workers from getting better jobs. No employer should be able to hire/fire you based on what you do when you go home.
There are bigger issues. Who has heard the phrase, “Pick your battles” ?
because there are so many users…..whether or not it will be people will still be using it….
dude i dont smoke the crap but hey its alot less harmless than things that actually are legal hmmmmm maybe alocohol
It’s a waste of tax dollars. We house feed all those prisoners. When we could let them go home. The amount of tax that could be derived on the legal sale of marijuana would be enormous.
Marijuana has been proven to be not addictive.
Putting people in jail for the use of this drug is a waste of time and money.
Think of all the tax dollars that could be generated by legalizing it, and all the money taken out of drug cartels pockets.
Crime would go down.
Because our country spends too much money and resources on controlling marijuana that could be better spent elsewhere.
Because if it were legal, it could be taxed. The money made from it could be used for something beneficial, like healthcare or education.
Because alcohol is legal, and it’s way worse than weed in a variety of ways.
If it were legal, a lot more people (you know, the uptight ones who need to chill out) who SHOULD be smoking it WOULD!
Because it is too expensive to pay to jail weed dealers. Like we don’t have enough real criminals to house as it is.
Because employers shouldn’t be able to discriminate based on whether or not a prospective employee smokes weed.
And finally, because I want to smoke it without having to hide from the cops! lol!
Yes it should be. Then less people will drink alcohol which is much more dangerous than marijuana. How many people die from smoking compared to those drinking.
‘A father says to his son “What the hell are you smoking that stuff for, why don’t you be a man and go out and get drunk”????
The goverment does not want to listen to the fact that marijuna has medicasl uses & they have it in the same classof drugs as herion & cocaine which is totally asinine . The fedfs are still trying to use the same tatics regardinfg weed that they used when the orignal reefer madness film came out even thought the crap they try to claim regarding weed has been proven to be false For more info go here http://www.norml.org/index.cfm?Group_ID=4412
Um first of all, how about a reduction in our overcrowded prison system of about 33%. We have the largest prison system in the world and it costs taxpayers an average of $28k per year per inmate. It’s more for people on death role. Anyone who pays taxes should do the math for themselves and find out what the cost to society is for locking up people who’s only crime was smoking pot and getting caught.
I don’t.
Drugs are for losers. The next generation of Americans is going to be a bunch of brain-dead, drugged-up zombies thanks to the pervasive drug culture. Slowly the country is being destroyed from the inside by idiots with no real purpose in life beyond smoking and ‘chilling’.
Alcohol is legal, and how much money is spent on policing alcohol-related deaths? How many people taken to the ER because some idiot got into their car and hit them? Legalizing marijuana would bring the same problems.
And by the way, THC derived from the plant has medical use. Smoking it does not.
1. Accuracy. It’s still classified as a narcotic.
2. Consistency. No way widespread use of pot is anywhere near as bad for the country as the current state of widespread alcohol abuse.
3. Liberty. What goes into your body should be your business and not the government’s.
4. Money. How expensive is it to keep pot users and dealers behind bars?
Ive done a fair amount of research on the drug with no personal interests at stake (I’ve never smoke marijuana), and marijuana truly does appear to be a near harmless drug. The toxicity is negligible, you would have to consume over a ton in a very short period of time for that to be a factor. Its not addictive because the THC cancels out the effect of nicotine, as well as many of the factors causing lung cancer causing it to be much less harmful in that respect. All of the violence associated with the drug is because its illegal in the first place, the criminalization of something people wouldn’t want to give up leads to a black market with violence as a big trait. Criminalizing chocolate consumption would probably have the same effects, but that doesn’t mean chocolate is evil.
kahtimizen: There are a lot of important issues out there, that does not mean that this isn’t still an important issue.
How about the fact that many good people get put in jail for non-violent crimes related to marijuana possession?
How about the fact that there are sick people out there that should be able to use marijuana medicinally without breaking the law?
Or how about the fact that hemp has many uses, could potentially open up a lot of jobs for the cultivation and distribution of hemp as well as lower our dependence on trees (which don’t yield as much product as hemp and isn’t nearly as renewable). Also it would open up a lot of new markets in this country.
Hemp can even be an effective oil and fuel.
Let’s also not forget that marijuana is a safer alternative for recreational purposes, especially when considering the risks of alcohol.
Oh yes, and there is also the fact that the war on drugs (aka the ware on marijuana) is largely a failure and a significant waste of money.
We are talking about ending the waste of money while opening up more opportunities to create money.