Why do employers advocate for hardcore legal drugs over legal medical marijuana during the hiring process?

Why do employers advocate for hardcore legal drugs over legal medical marijuana during the hiring process?

I am almost 30. I have what they call ‘Goose Neck’ which makes sleep my worst enemy. I turn over so many times a night that I never get REM sleep and am a mess the next day (so tired I can’t concentrate on work.) I was perscribed Somas, Vicodin, Neurontin, football sized Ibuprofen, and desyrel. The first two are opiates that are addictive and cause constipation. I am supposed to take these every night the rest of my life. I don’t want to.
I was recently perscribed medical marijuana and am not a recreational user. It has change my world. If I smoke some before bed, I sleep the first three to four hours well.and then begin to stir. If I injest the drug, I sleep the whole night through. I recently spoke to a top cardiologist at UCSF and he said…’the science is weak, smoke is bad, but i’d be much more comfortable if you used medical marijuana than all of these drugs which will put a strain on your heart.’
So, here I am trying to get a job with Apple as my business’s income is too variable for raising a family and they are going to test me. It seems wrong to want me to take hardcore Federally legal drugs over much more mellow California State Legal drugs. I am pro business, so I understand companies should be able to hire who they want, but isn’t this illegal discrimination in states where medical marijuana is legal? Do you think I should get the job or not?

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