Why did God create Cocaine, Heroine, and Marijuana?

I don’t understand why God would put plants on the earth that were not meant for humans to buy and sell.
The United States Constitution protects the Freedom of Religion of its citizens. So if God created Cocaine, Heroine, and Marijuan, there is no reason why Christians, Jews, and Muslims can’t use these narcotics.
When a government criminalizes a plant that God created, the government becomes an advocate of the anti-Christ.
What’s your opinion? Why did God create Cocaine, Heroine, and Marijuana?
This ‘God’ of yours also created sulphuric acid. I say, go for it!
He likes to party, that’s why.
He could gain more followers after drug user’s brains shrunk.
God didn’t create them, Man did
The protections provided by “Freedom of Religion” does not include allowing religions to participate in any practice they see fit, there are still limitations (bigamy, human sacrifice, etc).
Freedom of Religion simply means that the Government cannot elevate any particular religion above any other
God created Snake Venom, that does not mean that you should go drink a glass of it.
ever read the story the Odyssey? Their is a chapter about a place with people called lotus eaters read it and get back to me.
While marijuana and it’s potent effects are naturally occurring, cocaine and heroine are man made. They would not have the effects they have without human intervention.
Christians don’t think logically
He has a dark side…
“A bag of weed, a bag of weed, everything is better with a bag of weed.” ♫♪♫
-Family guy.
Cocaine is an extract, Heroine is synthesized from opiate base, and marijuana is the product of selective breeding.
Another good question that will be answered by the age old ignorance of the likes of “we cannot understand god” or “God didn’t put that there Satan did to lead men into temptation.”
My answer is this: God created nothing!
God did not create cocaine and heroin. Man did.
Marijuana came about through the process of Evolution.
Coca/Cocaine is a base for many anesthetics.
Opium is a base for many painkillers such as Morphine or Codeine.
Marijuana is just outright fun and holds a whole world of possible health benefits from its use if properly administered (I prefer brownies myself). Its one of the best anti-nausea medicines I’ve ever tried.
Because God gives man free will! God wants to have a relationship with you that is based on free will.
Matt 7:14 “How narrow is the gate and how constricted is the road that leads to life, and there aren’t many people who find it!”
Cocaine and Heroine are synthesized by man, Marijuana is not.
These plants can be used for medicinal purposes also.
The problem is that it’s human nature to twist and contort things to make them dangerous. Although human has yet to find a way to make marijuana deadly unless you consider the fact that you could die if a large bale of it fell on you.
Heroin comes from the poppy plant.
Cocaine comes from the coca plant.
Marijuana comes from the marijuana plant.
So even though Heroin and Cocaine have been altered from their original form they are still not completely man made.
So that we would start thinking.
Our ancestors created these stuff, not god, that’s why.
loss of appetite
My opinion is that It is just another plant that was misused and was used for evil because of free will. God bless!
To mess with me.
dude, if you have taken to calling your supplier ‘God’ then you need to get the fuck out before he calls in your debts
So……did you just get out of rehab or is it time for you to go back in?
true as our Father and Mother comes to create such plants but it comes to depends on thus of the purpose of using are meant to be, where this plants were once made to relief of Their first Children of their physical pain as they first come to earth.
and are you going to put your blame of fault for your methods of wrongdoing with the aid They gave our fore-parent for your very own pleasure?
its a matter of one person faith not religions.
do think if you’re our Father and Mother child, my sibling.