Why did Conservatives vote against Prop 19 in California?

Cons are the biggest Hypocrites in America they say their for freedom of choice but they wanna keep Marijuana Banned and keep Gay Marriage Banned.
Cons are the biggest Hypocrites in America they say their for freedom of choice but they wanna keep Marijuana Banned and keep Gay Marriage Banned.
Medical Marijuana is advancing in Illinois. Check out the latest story from NY Times: SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The... Read More »
Kansas appeals court addresses medical marijuana issue for travelers March 15. By TONY RIZZO. The Kansas City Star.... Read More »
Foxborough Needs to Establish Medical Marijuana District Following AG's Ruling “Unless somebody can articulate something specific I think... Read More »
The majority california voters are liberal. Blame it on them
We don’t need libs pushing any more drugs on our kids, thank you.
Democrats and Republicans cherrypick the freedoms they support. If you want real freedom, avoid the two major parties.
and on top of that South Dakota lost the fight for medical marijuana. Moral America wins again.
Probably because they don’t want to support the legions of potheads who find themselves unable to find gainful employment after becoming dependant on weed.
Why are you a crack w*h*o*r*e…
the vast majority of the people living in California are LIBERAL! And they voted AGAINST it. No one want that crap legalized.
Actually it was the Democrats. I am pissed off to. We are not Nannys are we?
I don’t understand why this won’t pass in a very liberal state.
Liberals and conservatives are both statists. We will never get freedom unless we vote in a different party.
The biggest political slaughter since FDR’s New Deal just occurred and this is all you’re worried about? LOL! To answer your question, I don’t know, and quite frankly don’t care.
Today is a great day in American history.
A lot of their candidates got campaign contributions from the drug cartels, who obviously wanted it to remain illegal, so they passed on that sentiment to the voters. I can’t believe that people would rather have that money going to support organized crime than to help relieve the tax burden in CA.
it was liberals who voted no on 19.
if conservatives decided everything then brown, and boxer would have lost.
Because they like to talk about “getting the guvermint out our our lives” and “big governmint”… yet when it comes down to specific issues, they always prefer the government nosing into people’s lives.
If government telling you that you can’t consume a plant in your own living room isn’t an example of government nosing into people’s lives, I don’t know what is.
Why is it that disagreeing with you equals hypocritical? I voted for Prop 19, so I do not argue with you, but if someone believes legalizing pot is a bad idea, wouldn’t they be hypocrites only if they vote for legalization?
Here’s what i dont get…the ppl who voted NO consider themselves pretty smart I assume, right?….well why vote no when ppl ARE GOING TO CONTINUE TO BUY A SHIT LOAD of pot anyways…now the state they live in can not get ANY of that money…if prop 19 had passed CA could have gotten at least SOMETHING from the tax sales but now they wont get shit…zip..nada. All you who voted no get is you’re slef righteous sense of self satisfaction because you stuck it to them potheads. they’re still out there, they’re still going to buy weed. but now you cant benifit from it…..seems pretty dumb to me