why cant weed be accepted?
when you hear the word DRUGS what comes to mind? crack? coke? pcp? WEED? people need to remember that all pills, liquids, caplets ect. that you get from a pharmacy is a DRUG. all of them have a good and negative affects on you. i doubt anyone knows this but marijuana is safer than aspirin! you cannot overdose on it, it isn’t habit forming, its better for you than a cheese burger from McDonald’s for christs sake! when people say that its phschologically addicting and it becomes part of the everyday life are perscription drugs not part of the everyday life of the patient? they just arent enjoyable to take when marijuana is. does “fun” make something bad?? i want non marijuana smokers to answer this. i want to hear what they have to say.
Well, weed gives you mantits and makes you really f*ckin lazy. And contrary to popular belief, it can be physically addicting. So… yeah.
If everyone smoked weed they would know how great it is or how it poses such a small threat. The government is upset because they can’t get a tax on it yet.
I’m a non pot smoker but I do smoke meth and heroin but your right but those idiots are just agreeing with their masters without knowing anything about pot
i agree with youu
answer mine:
also marijuana subject:D
Pot slows your thinking unmotivates you is addicting can be abused, it should be legal taxed controlled strength and you should need a card that say you smoke it so we do not have you in charge of landing plans while eating donuts
i used to smoke pot at LEAST 4 times a day.i don’t understand this either.i never say weed is a drug, i say it is a luxury. there is nothing wrong with smoking pot. nothing negative came out of it when i was smoking it? the feeling that pot gives you is a love feeling , like appreciation for the world. Weed = peace not hate. seriously! “fun”. the trips that weed give you are just FUN. it gives you a tingly feeling over the body that you don’t want it to stop. the only bad thing about weed is that once you smoke it alot, then your body becomes very tolerant to it, so you need more to get high, then you want a better high, so you try other drugs. but that was never an issue for me because i smoked so much in one day.it’s better to smoke weed alot then do coke or heroine or meth just once.
The Govt would not be able to control it, mostly. and it is Legal in a few states, and counties in Cali
You don’t need to be educated about weed to know that’s it’s bad for society as a whole. I don’t smoke weed, but how would it look it a parent walked by with his/her 4 year old baby and 7 year old son and saw a group of teenagers high? Not the best influence. Also it CAN get addicting, and it’s no marijuana is not safer than aspirin, because aspirin is not taken to get a high, marijuana is and people will just continue to take it knowing it’s “safer” than marijuana and get lung cancer as the years pass.
Like I said, the people that come up with this “science” that says weed or marijuana is actually good for you isn’t taking things like long-term use, addiction, into account because they’re dumba$$es.
Anyways, you blaze, get high already, why worry about having it illegal? Smoking isn’t attractive to girls, and what’s the point of being able to smoke it anytime you want? Many bars, cafes, restaurants, malls, social areas will still ban it, and the only places you’ll probably be allowed to smoke will be in the forest or in your back yard or in a private setting. Seriously, you don’t need to smoke and get high and act like an idiot to prove your cool. I could dump your ass if you’re high or not and look cooler than you ever be. Majority, if not all, stoners are high school dropouts that are ugly. Sorry, this isn’t really a generalization because all the stoners I know are like that.
Weed is a natural plant. Smoking it is not natural. It’s smoke in your lungs that are designed for air, is not natural. Lung cancer comes to mind. ANY smoke in the lungs is bad for them – don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I’ve known a lot of ignorant people who smoked weed for years and were never the same again, even when they weren’t high. It DOES do something to the body that is permanent. Do not be deceived about it.
Secondly, why can’t potheads learn to be thankful in life and live life without drugs and smoking? The problem is not with “legalizing” it…the reason you want it legal is so you can live in a fog world all of the time and be high. The problem is that people don’t need it at all.
Pot isn’t “safer than aspirin”. It is classified as quite a bit more addictive than aspirin. It is often strongly psychologically addictive, as well.
It seriously affects your reflexes and reaction time at least as much as alcohol does, which is why you can be charged with “driving under the influence” if you are driving stoned.
Additionally, pot alters your perceptions.
Is it worse than alcohol? Probably not, from all the research done so far.
But it’s extraordinarily unlikely that our society in the US (which is really pretty tight-assed, I will admit) would be willing to make any other intoxicant “legal”. There’s actually plenty of people who would like to make alcohol illegal, but that didn’t work out so well the last time.
You are seeing states pulling back quite a bit on some of the more draconic laws that were sentencing kids with a joint to the same jail sentences as the people who run meth labs.
If California can’t solve its fiscal crisis, that state might actually legalizer (and tax the hell out of) pot.
But if you were thinking, “Oh great! We have a Democrat in the White House! Obama will legalize pot!” you’d better think again.
If there is a change, it will take place state by state, and nobody wants to be the first one.