why can you get medical marijuana in california if the DEA says there is no medical value in marijuana?

I’m doing a presentation on medical marijuana in california for a government class an no website I’ve found can give me a clear answer.
I’m doing a presentation on medical marijuana in california for a government class an no website I’ve found can give me a clear answer.
Medical Marijuana is advancing in Illinois. Check out the latest story from NY Times: SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The... Read More »
Kansas appeals court addresses medical marijuana issue for travelers March 15. By TONY RIZZO. The Kansas City Star.... Read More »
Foxborough Needs to Establish Medical Marijuana District Following AG's Ruling “Unless somebody can articulate something specific I think... Read More »
Simple State Rule. The voters of California decided to permit it. The Federal Government cannot interfere. There is no medical value. It is being used instead of Tranquilizers. It does not cure a disease but helps to keep the patient comfortable.
The California STATE government disagrees with the DEA and the rest of the FEDERAL government. You are expecting LOGIC form career politicians. Unless you learn that is an irrational expectation, you will drive yourself crazy.
Because the DEA is a corrupt, lying system. Marijuana helps give Cancer Patients getting chemotherapy an appetite. It helps Chrone’s Disease Patients keep their illness under control, and it also helps those with Diabetes keep their blood sugar at a normal level. It’s also helpful for dulling pain in people who’ve been in accidents like car crashes and broken limbs. It has no side-effects other then three;

Hungry, Happy, Sleepy.
No one has EVER died from smoking a joint, while at least three people OD on aspirin a day.
The State Reps in California and others who’ve voted to make this God-given herb legal obviously realized how much it’d help people in their state.
The reason you can find no website explaining this is because the DEA and the Feds are covering them up. They do not want people to be able to grow their own medicine; they’d rather we die using theirs.
Just remember;
‘And God said, It is good.’
Age of reason your wrong. It can cure things, it’s not just a pain reliever. There are many cases with people who have glaucoma, (a disease that slowly makes you blind) Well mj just happens to reverse those affects. I just saw a doc where they interview an old lady who had glaucoma and her vision was decreasing, and her doc couldn’t perscribe mj, but told her unnoficially if she didn’t start using it she’d go blind. Well she started using and reversed the blindness. Unfortunately she got arrested for posession. An old lady just trying to stop her blindness. That’s bs. The dea is SICK!
Because there has been a systematic campaign by marijuana smokers who lie about the medical benefits. It is just an addictive narcotic. I was addicted to it and I am so glad I quit!