Why aren’t legal drugs like salvia and hookah as popular as alcohol or illegal drugs?

There are huge cultures centered around marijuana, cocaine, heroine, meth, mushrooms… whatever. And of course, alcohol is a massive industry.
Why aren’t there commercials and billboards for salvia and hookah and whatever else you kids do?
legality is not based on the effects of the drug. Datura is legal and that’s so powerful it’s beyond a hallucinogen, it distorts your view of reality for days, and is very deadly.
legality is not based on the effects of the drug. Datura is legal and that’s so powerful it’s beyond a hallucinogen, it distorts your view of reality for days, and is very deadly.
i guess that those stupid people that do drugs dont feel as… “cool” or nervous or excited and thrilled when they do legal drugs.
stupid, innit?
i live in dearborn michigan, and we have the highest arab population in the US, i see hookahs everyday, everywhere!
Illegal Is More Fun!
maybe they don’t make you feel as good as the others do..
uh. i really don’t get why weed isn’t legal but salvia is.
salvia is way worse.
blah. fuckthegovernment.
1’st A hookah is a water pipe.
And not many people know about salvia compared to those other drugs.
Because the illegal ones feel better
this isn’t from a personal experience, just common sense XD
well, there must be a reason for a drug to be legal, right? Maybe the affects aren’t as bad as what they would be as an illegal drug. I think what mostly attracts kids to illegal drugs is because the affects might take longer to wear off, ETC. If the sole purpose of taking drugs is to get high, maybe legal drugs don’t make the taker as high/for longer.
I’m sure I make sense XD
If it’s illegal, more people are likely to use it. That’s what it’s like for some people (I don’t know this from personal experience by the way) and they can’t help it.
salvia is crazy i’m not sure why it’s legal.. maybe because it only lasts about.. 5-10 minutes? i don’t know.
not as many people have heard of salvia.. maybe because you trip and see stuff, but there’s other stuff where you trip and see stuff that lasts longer?
couldn’t tell you. all i know is that alcohol is legal and a bunch of people drink.
a lot of places don’t allow that type of datura to be grown.
btw, i don’t think many people use that because it’s too strong and lasts too long. some people definitely do i’d imagine
Because the industry keeps it low key. If they went on with advertisements and billboards the gov’t would step in immediately and ban them. Ecsphoria is a lot better than Salvia by the way and most people haven’t even heard of it… Same with Wild Kratom..
LSD is Gods gift to us. Salvia is what God puts out to scare the **** out of people so he can get a good laugh.
And a hookah is something you smoke grass (or tobacco in rare cases) out of.