Why are people who smoke marijuana considered a burdon on society?

I have smoked marijuana for decades. I have a job, a home, a family, pay my bills, pay my taxes, support my community, do charity work, and have lots of friends that I spend time with doing a variety of activites. I do not advocate the use of marijuana by children, I do not smoke in inappropriate places, nor do I try to get others to smoke it with me. But for some reason I am consider a blotch on society. WHY?
I. personally, do not consider marijuana smokers a burden on society!
because u are polluting the air that we are breathing
i’ve seen you out man, and – not to be mean or anything – but it’s not the weed!
Because you are breaking the LAW!
Have you no RESPECT?
Do your children smell like REEFER??
Huh?? Do they? WELL! DO THEY???
Because society is always influenced by the current government. If a government said all people who smoke cigarettes are doing something illegal, how would you feel about people who smoke cigarettes? It’s all about perception.
I believe it is not wrong to smoke.
Pot kills brain cells and the cells of the brain are the only cells in our bodies that can’t be repaired nor replaced by new ones. Once dead, they are dead. Maybe you think you are doing all these great things but how you are functioning today compared to decades ago is different. You might be able to see that because you have some dead brain cells and your brain can’t do it’s full function like it could when you were 16 or 18 or 20. You can’t see any differences in your speech or daily performances or physical movements or how you drive or how you act toward others because you have permanently damaged some areas of your brain and you are fully aware of your conscious and even subconscious thoughts. This has been proving by hundreds of doctors and scientists. And I have seen this first hand. Pot is a drug. And an illegal one at that. So, just you doing an illegal drug will have other people judge you.
you must be a child of the 70’s like myself. i understand the burden crack heads put on society but not pot smokers. these tweakers are ruining not only their lives but their children’s too. if pot is your only drug then you are fine by me.
I’ve heard pot smokers called many things (lazy, unmotivated, etc.) but never heard them called a burden on society.
Perhaps this has come about due to the fact that so many smokers are relegated to rehab by law enforcement giving them a choice of jail or rehab. Kindof a no brainer type choice, eh? So thousands are put into rehab and yes, one might consider all the potheads in rehab to be a burden on society if our tax money is used to support the rehab centers. However, these people are in rehab due to our current laws on pot, not because they need rehabilitating. So if pot smokers are a blight on society, it’s only because our draconian laws have made them that. Legalise…and the problem will go away.