Why are people so ignorant and closed minded about marijuana?

Look anti-weed advocates, I smoke weed with my friends maybe three times a week. I started on weed last year and my grades this year has been the best they have ever been. I maintain my physical fitness by going to the gym two times a week, and I play football, lacrosse, and basketball. Basically nothing negative has ever come of me smoking weed, it sure as hell gave me some good times with my friends. Please legalize marijuana.
You must be high.
Its a starter drug whether you are willing to admit it or not
It’s not healthy. Period. I know all about weed I smoked it for 30 years.
Come back and brag after you graduate with an engineering degree.
Not some bonehead major.
I don’t disagree. It should be legalized and regulated. I’m assuming that you’re a 21 year old legal adult in college… no way to be certain because you only say your grades are better. If you’re a minor child, then it would still be illegal for you. The same rules as those for alcohol should apply.
I used to smoke pot like they were going to stop growing it. I went through an eight-year period when I was straight for about 3 days, when there was no weed on the Eastern Seaboard.
I haven’t had a puff in 3 years, and I wish I’d never smoked at all.
It’s a scientific fact that marijuana screws up your short-term memory, so there is no way it won’t negatively affect your learning. And if you think that marijuana smoke doesn’t screw up your lungs, take a look inside your favorite pipe.
Lose the weed.
Ancedotal evidence means nothing. I have two friends that love their weed. One is so unbelievably brain dead he can barely construct full sentences. The other one got in a car accident while high.
I think there should be disucssion on weed…but don’t use your personal anecdote as evidence of its support.
im high right now…
First of all, people aren’t ignorant and closed minded just because they don’t agree with you.
Second of all, that’s great if you’re doing really well and you smoke weed, but some people don’t do as well as you when they smoke weed. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.
If it was leagal i could use it but could i drive people around in my short bus hmmmm unlikely dude
I have no problem with it you break any laws anything just like drunk drivers to go to jail and you don’t pass goal for 200 use strict to go to jail in the kind of breaking the law .
i smoke 4 grams a day- and love it.
i work hard and i deserve it
i own my home,2 cars, and a career.
they will never legalize it. to many can grow and to many taxes- the govt- dont know about.
if the govt- is the only ones who knew how to grow, and they sold it —true- its a good profit, but they cant.
many drug dealers are jobless, but make and bank thousands– with no attached taxes.
i think drinking is way more harmful than weed, and smoking cigs are killer also—
what im gonna die of being a junk food addict???– fuck this im gonna go make some cereal and roll a fat blunt!!!
I totally agree. I’m 19. I live in Ireland, I’ve smoked weed regularly with my buddies for the past 5 years and now I’m in second year of university, getting good results and still smoking on! Weed is the best anti-stress cure known to man, loads of intelligent people smoke, it is illegal because people get a buzz off it for free as it is just a plant, it can’t be taxed like alcohol and cigarettes. I can’t wait for this summer I’m living in Vancouver and gonna get baked safely there for 3 months, its ok there!
Because it makes people dumb by killing their brain cells and we already have way too many dummies in this country! It should only be used for medicinal purposes!
Every year the regulations to pass maketable durgs become harder and harder. However, once a drug is passed, they can’t take it off the market, otherwise they’ll destroy bussinesses. Thats why they can’t abolish smoking.
If Asprin was just invented today, it wouldn’t be allowed on the shelves. Pot just missed it’s chance.
Conditioning…personally I don’t care if you smoke it or grow it or what you do with it.
You are not going to win over any of these nitwits who have never even touched the stuff because they saw “Reefer Madness” and believed every second of it. Anyone who’s actually smoked it knows it’s perfectly harmless — much less so than alcohol certainly, and probably far less so than tobacco, both of which are legal. The only reason it’s not legal is because they haven’t come up with a successful way to regulate and tax it. As soon as they do, you’ll be able to knock a pack of joints into your cart on the same aisle as the cigs in Wally World, believe me.
nothing wrong with weed, it’s grown naturally anyway. thank you god! honestly for me, it helps with headaches, the stomach turning(it’s a girl thing). and it helps me sleep.
alot of people can smoke all day long and still have energy, me, i wait till the day is done, cuz i bottom out. to those of you that don’t know, it means, i smoke at the very end of my day.
I don’t smoke weed. most likely i won’t ever smoke weed…
but it should be legal. it’s safer than alcohol and tobacco. i can’t believe how many people get long jail sentences just for possessing marijuana.
and the drug war in Mexico would probably be a little different if weed wasn’t illegal.
Nothing negative about weed?:
-THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, damages the frontal lobe of the brain, much in the way alcohol does. This damages short term and long term memory, as well as fine motor skills.
-Marijuana is more harmful than tobacco, as a person holds the smoke in longer.
-Marijuana distorts reality; that is why you think that you doing better in school. BTW, I was a graduate assistant in college and knew plenty of college students who lied about their grades.
-People who use weed tend to make asinine statements on websites, such as saying the marijuana is not harmful in any way.
>For all of those “educated” people, check out a copy of a high school or college psychology book and read the section on the effects of drugs on the brain. The evidence on the adverse effects of marijuana have been studied and published for several years. Have you been too stoned to read them?
Yep, and I am such a good driver after five or six beers.
Frankly I wish they would legalize all of it and subsidize it as well. If you could get a quart jar of uncut cocaine for a 25 cents that would be sweet. Funeral directors would have a field day and there would be no significant drug problem at all after six months.
The only negatives you will find with pot other than the health aspects is. breaking laws…. and who hasn’t at one time broke a law after consuming alcohol. Hypocrites
Why? Well lest go down this road, shall we?
First, lets think on you health. I’m not going to go on about chemicals and their interactions with the body. I do however, wish to point out that inhaling ANYTHING that is burning causes damage to lung tissue. In essence, you are honestly damaging you lungs and decreasing your lung capacity in the process.
Secondly, on a global scale, where does it come from? Since it’s illegal, a lot of it is being grown in Mexico. Now, in case you didn;t know this, they are have issues with cartels and people killing police, women, children and anyone else who happens to get in their way, directly or indirectly. In this country some operations are even using public land, spoiling it with pesticides such as DDT, which harms the animals and can get into drinking water and affect people.
Thirdly, when you see or hear about people and marijuana in the media, what comes to your mind? Someone responsible who takes care of their family, works, makes good grades? No, rather we get things like Harrold and Kumar got to White Castle, That 70s Show, And Cheech and Chong. The people who support legalized marijuana apparently don’t seem to be able to tackle the BIGGEST issue. Silencing the burnt-out stupid pot-heads that lead to most people believing what they do.
Stop idolizing that kidn of stuff and people might honestly and seriously contemplate legalization. Until then, the burnouts are your biggest issue.
Everything I say below is facts. I supplied links to back it up, so I don’t want any thumbs downs from you anti-weed people. Facts are facts. You can give thumbs down if you don’t agree with someone’s opinion, but this is facts, not opinion. So you saying you don’t agree with it doesn’t matter, your thumbs down to contest these facts is not relevant.
Fact: Nobody has ever died from marijuana. NOBODY.
Cigarettes kill 6 million people worldwide every single year.
75,000 people die from alcohol in the just U.S. alone every single year
…and still not 1 person in the world will die from marijuana this year.
Fact: Marijuana does NOT cause lung cancer. There were many small studies by independent groups which say it does, but the largest, most credible study of it’s kind by the government’s #1 cancer scientist proves it does not.
Fact: Marijuana actually slows tumor growth in people with cancer.
Fact: Marijuana does NOT make you a failure in life.
#1. I smoke marijuana habitually, I’m also 27 years old and retired (meaning I have already achieved enough success in my life at this age, that I do not need to work a job anymore, I just sit around building websites now or travel). Before I stopped working, I had 22 jobs, I worked for companies such as USPS, Northrop Grumman, a law firm called Fenwick and West LLP, Google, and Cisco. Granted, I was just an office guy, but for someone with just a high school diploma, I did better than many people I know who have never smoked, and since I don’t have to work anymore, that’s even more relevant. Want someone to build you a myspace website? I know how to do that. Need someone to sit in court and type everything quickly like a stenographer does? I type 90 wpm. It has had no effect on my coordination or motor skills. I have lived on both coasts and travel to Asia and Europe on a regular basis, I don’t just sit around playing video games.
Here I am in Thailand, Miami, and California
#2. I have a prescription for marijuana when I am in California. I know from social experiences that many of these doctors and lawyers in California smoke marijuana themselves.
#3. The whole world looked at Michael Phelps, Obama and Bill Clinton as being wrong for smoking marijuana. The negative people will always see things like that, instead of looking at it from the proper perspective: You can smoke marijuana, and still become a world class athlete, or a President of a country. It will have no negative effect on your life, aside from possible legal problems because of this vindictive irrational society we have in the U.S.
Fact: There is no correlation between Marijuana and crime.
Amsterdam legalized it, Canada decriminalized small amounts, Oregon briefly legalized it in the 70’s, and practically everybody in the Bay Area, California smokes marijuana or has a prescription.
Yet, there was no significant rise in crime in any of these areas after it was legalized, decriminalized, or became socially acceptable. So it’s effect on crime has already been tested on whole communities with no adverse effects.
Yes I do believe marijuana causes short term memory loss, as in, “dude I’m stoned I forgot where I put my car keys”. But if I smoke a joint, I’m not going to completely forget what I did the night before or blackout or get alcohol poisoning, which is what happens to many people when drunk. My cousin is dead, he was 20 years old and he’s dead now from alcohol. 20 years of learning, 18 years of parenting and raising a child were wiped out with 1 night of drinking. Now it’s affected more than just 1 life. His parents, his friends, me. Everybody is affected by one person’s drinking. My mother died from lung cancer when I was 22 and never smoked a cigarette in her life, my father however was nicknamed The Marlboro Man on account of how much cigarettes he smokes (chain smoker). They shared a smoky living room for over 25 years, so I don’t need any scientists to tell me what caused her death. His habit, my friends habit, have affected many people. How does marijuana affect the people around me? How have my friends’ marijuana habits affected me? They haven’t.
It may make you forget short term things, But it does not make you “stupid”. I believe that you come across more stupid people who smoke pot, because rebellion is usually performed by the less intelligent. People who are smarter tend to follow the rules more because they are goodie two-shoes and are afraid of getting in trouble, while less intelligent people don’t care about getting in trouble. I have met many dumb people who smoke pot, and it’s easy to use them as scapegoats and poster children. But I have also met many smart people who smoke pot too, about 1/3 of the people I meet who smoke pot are smart. They are the smart ones who made up their own minds wether it was bad or not, by trying it. But majority of smart people are goodie two-shoes I believe. It’s not a gateway drug, the people who go on to do other drugs wanted to try drugs in the first place, so if they have it in their personality to try cocaine after that, they would have just skipped to the cocaine if marijuana had never existed. They are the same types of people who rolled down hills as kids to get dizzy and laugh while standing up. So the real problem is not marijuana, the real problem is the rules that make it “bad”. It may be legalized by state, since I could see California voting for it, and Obama has now made certain government can’t bypass state laws, but I doubt the government will legalize it for the whole country. As other people said, it’s much easier to grow compared to tobacco so nobody would be buying it and they couldn’t tax it then. The government doesn’t like things they can’t control, and the sheep don’t like things the government tells them not to like.