why americans make marihuana to be illegal?

I do not understand this. ‘m new to this culture yet they donot allow us to inhale this substinense . in my old area of somalia its customary to inhale marihuana but in america they make it to be illgal and have arrest you if inhaling. why they do this? it has made me and my family memebers and somali men to be enlightened and pleasured.
Americans are idiots. That’s why.
I really don’t know. Beer is just as bad if over-consumed, same goes with marijuana. As long as there’s a limit, then I think it should be legal.
because the government cannot control it. It’s natural, I don’t see the argument against it. Instead the government will feed us pharmaceuticals so they can get kickbacks from the pharm companies incampaign donations.
Shut the fuck up, you’re not somali. Marijuana is not part of our culture. khat is. If u are then judging from ur name-ur from the italian corrupted south and an idiot/embarassment.
You’re white. Stop lying and trying to make Somalis look bad, you bigot.
Here’s a serious question he asked as a white male: