The Founder of the Medical Marijuana Movement, Dennis Peron, discusses the history of Prop. 215, California’s historic medical marijuana law. Dennis is joined by another key player, John Entwistle, as they explain how the initiative was created, who was involved and who are the real and only authors of this historic voter initiative.
Foxborough Needs to Establish Medical Marijuana District Following AG's Ruling “Unless somebody can articulate something specific I think... Read More »
A good interview with the author of 215.
I was at the Market St club intake area getting my first cannabis club card from Dennis at the same time Dennis&John were drafting 215 he asked me and everyone who came through the office for there input or ideas. That doesn’t make them all authors of 215..
I am sorry my friend but I cannot hear the other guy on the phone very well. So I am not sure what exactly to think of what he is saying. But I am sure its all good stuff. We need our own prop 215 here in NC with bill 1380.
i’ll begin by googleing Dennis Peron….. i was at the west hollywood marijuana expo…..but i was really lost in space as far as all these people on stage talking about the whole movement. what state did 215 start in? sorry ( i have difficuly with memory and absorving information….)
but unfortunately i cant hear cleary the voice of who you are interviewing…..what is the name of the book he metions that they are writing……? any tips on how i can at least be more involed? where can i begin to understand why and who started it all….any websites…? i don’t have a computer of my own…..but can use friends computers….any info will be great….thanx….. great vid.
i am very interested in this…… i have to admit that i use marijuana more medical and for recreation……i am a medical marijuana patient that complies with prop 215. and will state that it helps me with many different areas of difficulty in my body ( other than simply enjoying the consumption of cannabis ) i am very intersted in the origins of the movement…..for even though i believe cannabis should be used by anyone who chooses too….i also want to study the whole movement…..
A good interview with the author of 215.
I was at the Market St club intake area getting my first cannabis club card from Dennis at the same time Dennis&John were drafting 215 he asked me and everyone who came through the office for there input or ideas. That doesn’t make them all authors of 215..
I am sorry my friend but I cannot hear the other guy on the phone very well. So I am not sure what exactly to think of what he is saying. But I am sure its all good stuff. We need our own prop 215 here in NC with bill 1380.
Imler is a tool.
i’ll begin by googleing Dennis Peron…..
i was at the west hollywood marijuana expo…..but i was really lost in space as far as all these people on stage talking about the whole movement. what state did 215 start in? sorry ( i have difficuly with memory and absorving information….)
but unfortunately i cant hear cleary the voice of who you are interviewing…..what is the name of the book he metions that they are writing……? any tips on how i can at least be more involed? where can i begin to understand why and who started it all….any websites…? i don’t have a computer of my own…..but can use friends computers….any info will be great….thanx….. great vid.
i am very interested in this…… i have to admit that i use marijuana more medical and for recreation……i am a medical marijuana patient that complies with prop 215. and will state that it helps me with many different areas of difficulty in my body ( other than simply enjoying the consumption of cannabis ) i am very intersted in the origins of the movement…..for even though i believe cannabis should be used by anyone who chooses too….i also want to study the whole movement…..
hey man you look ripped haha
dont worry me too…peace