Who thinks Obama making fun of marijuana advocates and refusing to legalize it is total BS?

I’m an American. I go to work, pay my taxes, help my neighbors, take care of my mother, love my country, and if ever I have to defend it, I will. Does it matter that I like to smoke pot?
Michael Phelps smokes pot and he brought a lot of honor to our country, and he trained 6 hours a day every day for years to do it. Obama smoked pot in college, and he’s the President.
Is this resistance to legalization a bunch of BS?
I’m an American, and if I want to grow my own pot on my own land and defend it with my own guns, that’s my right as far as I’m concerned.
I said marijuana, not coke or heroin. Marijuana grows on American soil. In fact, Washington had a hemp field. So please, if you have the urge to write something stupid, ask yourself, “is this stupid?” If so, stop.
I think the TOTAL BS is messing with the Second Amendment !
OBAMA is about the dunbest president in the united states or maybe the world.
I dont think anybodys really gonna notice if your growing some for personal use (only) in your own yard but its still a risk…
It is BS but they arent making it legal because a lot of people would have such a fit. It would also force them to monitor it which is harder then just saying its illegal.