Who thinks Obama making fun of marijuana advocates and refusing to legalize it is total BS?

Who thinks Obama making fun of marijuana advocates and refusing to legalize it is total BS?

I’m an American. I go to work, pay my taxes, help my neighbors, take care of my mother, love my country, and if ever I have to defend it, I will. Does it matter that I like to smoke pot?
Michael Phelps smokes pot and he brought a lot of honor to our country, and he trained 6 hours a day every day for years to do it. Obama smoked pot in college, and he’s the President.
Is this resistance to legalization a bunch of BS?
I’m an American, and if I want to grow my own pot on my own land and defend it with my own guns, that’s my right as far as I’m concerned.

I said marijuana, not coke or heroin. Marijuana grows on American soil. In fact, Washington had a hemp field. So please, if you have the urge to write something stupid, ask yourself, “is this stupid?” If so, stop.

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