Where’s a place for a 16 year old to buy rolling papers?

I need rolling papers capable of smoking marijuana with, I don’t know where to legally buy them if I can.
I need rolling papers capable of smoking marijuana with, I don’t know where to legally buy them if I can.
Is this a good vap for Marijuana? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Herbal-Vaporizer-Digital-Vaporizer-Grinder-Whip-16f-/150602093759?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item23109594bf How good is it and how high do you get? Read More »
It is illegal for me to buy tobacco but i want to know if i can buy rolling... Read More »
Roor wins with Ghost..Cali Connection with The Klingon #2…and Dragon Bong 3rd! Read More »
My buds used to take pages from Bibles for that. Not advocating it; just saying you can find usable papers without having to buy ’em.
Most states and or local juristicions have a law to where you have to be atleast 18 most are 21. To be truthful you dont need pot get high on life love and happiness
Head shops near highschools.