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where to buy salvia in nyc?

where to buy salvia in nyc?

I was reading online that a lot of head shops in Greenwich village. Could you get it any head shop? do you need to be 18 or any age? i also read theres no age limit to buy it if youre not ‘smoking’ it. How do they know if youre going to smoke it?

is salvia like weed? do you keep it in longer? when you go to a head shop, how do you know if theyre giving you real salvia? what does it look like?

i am not fully informed on this topic so dont say ‘look it up’ because i did or ‘dont do it.’ just help me. :]

i also read, if you smoke weed like before (as in a week or day) it doesnt work?

10 points to best answer
btw, how is salvia measured as in cost? like weed?
how crazy are the hallucinations?

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