where is the scientific evidence that shows marijauna is harmful as a medicinal drug?

the laws says its harmful and so do anti marijuana advocates but wheres the proof?
the laws says its harmful and so do anti marijuana advocates but wheres the proof?
Medical Marijuana is advancing in Illinois. Check out the latest story from NY Times: SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The... Read More »
Kansas appeals court addresses medical marijuana issue for travelers March 15. By TONY RIZZO. The Kansas City Star.... Read More »
Foxborough Needs to Establish Medical Marijuana District Following AG's Ruling “Unless somebody can articulate something specific I think... Read More »
The law does not say it’s harmful, pothead. The law says it’s illegal. Doctors, medical journals, and those spots on your lungs say Cannabis is harmful. Put the bong down and do some research Cheech.
I know many very successful people who smoke marijuana… but they use it in moderation. People who abuse the drug are the ones that are harmed. The over use of any chemical substance is harmful.
The research is in scientific medical journals. The publiuc has access to these journals but doesn’t normally comprehend it and so doesn’t use it. Don’t rely on your local newspaper to tell you what’s good for you. The information is out there. Marijuana causes plaques on the brian similar to the process in alzheimers. I’m not saying it causes alzheimers, just a similar process biochemically. The effect is that it alters brain chemistry and slows the mind and the danger is that it can become permanent. You do have to smoke a lot and for a long time before this effect builds up to be permanent and debilitating. However the scrutiny of prescription meds would not allow one that causes a similar problem under similar conditions to be released to the public unless the bennefits of such a drug outweighed these risks and the bennefits of marijuana do not outweigh the advantages. Lets be honest here, people that want to legalize marijuanna are not the least concerned with cancer patients. Cancer patients, especially terminal ones have a full array of way more powerful pain meds at their disposal.
It is not any more harmful than cigarettes and alcohol which are both legal….I say make it legal and get the tax revenue..
It is still illegal
;;; to give the police force something to do.!!!
the law says it’s harmful because:
1. It’s not a controlled substance.
2. So, therefore, it’s not “pure”
Medicinal marijuana is in “pure” form, nothing has been added.