Where can I buy a volcano vaporizer without my parents finding out?

Online? A head shop? And where can I buy the cheapest one? Lots of people who have it say its well worth 500 bucks so I was just wondering
Online? A head shop? And where can I buy the cheapest one? Lots of people who have it say its well worth 500 bucks so I was just wondering
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You’ll really like the volcano for a few weeks, then you’ll get bored with it. It’s noisy, a hassle and the vapor is stale.
Check out the VaporBrothers box style. Call around to the head shops if you don’t want to order online. But look for the VB you’ll get a better unit. There are knockoffs available for cheap, but they’re crap. I saw a cheap plastic piece of crap for 40$ on ebay. And a plywood one with digital display for 100$ . But it’s not worth it.