Whats wrong with the government legalizing marijuana?

Whats wrong with the government legalizing marijuana?

I’m not a drug advocate or anything, I’m just saying it would generate the money we need to fix our economy.
They could put a big tax on it, like they have with cigarettes here in MI, and it would generate money for schools (which many desperately need)
It would keep all these small time non violent offenders out of jail, which would save the court systems, jails, and tax payers money and help the over crowding problem in jails. Also less non violent offends that had maybe a half ounce of marijuana on them, wouldn’t go to prison, then get our, and have an even harder time getting a job and not be forced to resort to maybe more violent crimes.
Also if marijuana was legal, it would make medical experimentation more easily done, and help create jobs in the medical field. Who knows this could help be a cure of cancer?
Other jobs would be the whole industry aspect of it as well, it would create tons of jobs in the farming sector. And then the plant would have to made into joints in factories here, because marijuana is illegal in most countries.

Of course there would be laws like don’t smoke and drive or buy for a minor, ect

Why don’t we do this? I mean most of these prescription drugs are worse then a plant!

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