Whats wrong with the government legalizing marijuana?

I’m not a drug advocate or anything, I’m just saying it would generate the money we need to fix our economy.
They could put a big tax on it, like they have with cigarettes here in MI, and it would generate money for schools (which many desperately need)
It would keep all these small time non violent offenders out of jail, which would save the court systems, jails, and tax payers money and help the over crowding problem in jails. Also less non violent offends that had maybe a half ounce of marijuana on them, wouldn’t go to prison, then get our, and have an even harder time getting a job and not be forced to resort to maybe more violent crimes.
Also if marijuana was legal, it would make medical experimentation more easily done, and help create jobs in the medical field. Who knows this could help be a cure of cancer?
Other jobs would be the whole industry aspect of it as well, it would create tons of jobs in the farming sector. And then the plant would have to made into joints in factories here, because marijuana is illegal in most countries.
Of course there would be laws like don’t smoke and drive or buy for a minor, ect
Why don’t we do this? I mean most of these prescription drugs are worse then a plant!
I think the government is more worried about the fact that it’s so easy for people to grow it themselves, they wouldn’t make much profit from taxes. But that’s just my guess.
It wouldn’t generate near enough money to fix our economy and what it did the politicians would just blow anyways. I don’t really have a problem with it but I don’t see it happening anytime soon.
I agree. It should be legal, it’s way less harmful than alcohol. Ever hear of someone high on pot crashing their car? Not unless they are drinking too..
The only thing wrong with legalizing it, is that it would lose the alcohol and tobacco companies who pay off politicians their profits, and it might cause politicians to get voted out of office. Nevertheless, there is no ethical or Constitutional principle that one could argue warrants prohibiting marijuana. There are endless arguments in support of legalization, and there are maybe one or two extremely faulty ones at best against it, and they have all been repeated thousands of times, yet marijuana is still illegal. Part of this is due to the nature of our political system that slows the progress of legal change, part is due to past misconceptions about marijuana spread around by William Randolph Hearst in a successful attempt to outlaw hemp, and another huge chunk is due to present corruption and public brainwashing.
There is nothing that can be done about it now, as our current President has pledged not to let it be legalized (probably just to secure votes, as he himself used much stronger stuff in his time). However, I do believe that legalization has already started somewhat. This november several states will vote on referendums to legalize marijuana in their state. Perhaps this is a sign that legalization has already started and will continue to work by slowly spreading through state law, rather than all at one time via a huge federal amendment.