What would happen if we legalized medicinal Marijuana.?

What would happen if we legalized medicinal Marijuana.?

Serious answers only what would happen if we legalized medicinal Marijuana. Like the pros,con,cause and effects? Where do you stand on the issue? This is for a home work assignment which called for me to write a cause and effect essay on the topic of my choice. I chose this because I had just watched a documentary about the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.
Can you fully read the question instead of just blurting something idiotic like “absolutely nothing ” out?
I have never nor do I ever plan on smoking Marijuana.
Medicinal Marijuana is only legal in about eleven states.
babylara thats just dumb.. im not talking about Marijuana being legal for every tom dick and harry to walk into walmart and pick up a bag of dope im talking about it being decriminalized for people with serious illnesses

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