What would happen if I put alcohol in a water bottle bong and smoked weed?

Would doing this make a person feel buzzed and high?
Would doing this make a person feel buzzed and high?
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waste of booze. the alcohol would evaporate and leave a strong smell and a bit of taste, but no extra buzz.
do peppermint schnapps, no you wont get buzzed, but it sure taste great!
The alcohol stays in the bong, no effect, however is you use some Gold Schlager, it will add a cinnamon flavor to your herbage. Note: never drink your bong water, therefore never pour expensive alcohol into your bong.
Burnout lesson 101: Pour the alcohol down your throat, coka up your nose and tweed in your lungs. And if your using anything that involves your anus, your doing it wrong.
u might get sick. but go for it
It will actually depend on your physiology… on how your body handles alcohol and hallucinogens. You might get high, you might not. So go ahead and try it and let us know.
I agree with Ben Dover!!!
my dad used to put sangria in his bong, and then drink it later. if you drink it you will get drunk and high. but i never tried that. if you save your stems, though, you can drop them into a bottle of vodka or something, and let it sit (tightly closed) for about a month. all of the thc will be absorbed into the alcohol. you can strain it, and drink it, and that will get you drunk and high, too.
LOL Danny thats the funniest thing i heard all day! Thank for the laugh
it will but you can get seriously get f’d up sometimes if you dont do it right i suggest that you dont take a giant hit your first time