what the heck is this new legal “marijuana alternative” / Spice? like what IS it?
like we know what weed is. its a freakin plant… cannabis.
but wtf is spice?
wtf? is? it? wtf is it
all the online head-shops fail to describe what it is.. they only tell you that it’s a “very potent herbal marijuana alternative with an intoxicating armoa” sounds like some bs to me.
Is this a good vap for Marijuana? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Herbal-Vaporizer-Digital-Vaporizer-Grinder-Whip-16f-/150602093759?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item23109594bf How good is it and how high do you get? Read More »
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I believe it’s got marinol in it, but it’s nowhere near as pleasant or as safe as marijuana. I’ve never tried it and I never will even though it’s legal.
damiana leaf and mullein leaf extract. doesn’t show up on a drug test. and when you smoke it, it enduces the feeling as if you were high off of marijuana. can be bought in cigarette shops. its a good alternative to smoking weed.
spice is just some random herb that has a chemical added to it. im not sure exactly what it is but since they label it at incense they can sell it in stores. it gets you high with similar effects to marijuana when smoked but it hasnt been tested enough yet so the effects of the body are still unknown but i heard it can be physically addicting and states are trying to make it illegal.
Its crap. Its most likely more harmful that marijuana, and It has extremely negative effects on some people. Don’t do it. It gets you high, but weird high.