What level should the threshold be placed for taking away freedoms?

What level should the threshold be placed for taking away freedoms?

I’m just wondering where people think the line should be drawn with respect to laws being made, or keeping old laws.

For example many people believe that smoking should be illegal because it is a product proven to cause death.

And others believe that it should be their right to smoke and if the law were to make tobacco illegal they would consider that unfair.

But recently in California, Proposition 19 received with 54% of California voters voting “No”, and 46% voting “Yes”.
This implies that in California the freedom to chose to smoke marijuana has been taken from 46% of residents there.
Do you think that the 50% threshold is sufficient to balance laws that remove individual freedom?

See I believe that there are many instances were many people believe that something should be made illegal but the end result is removal of individual freedom and responsibility.

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