What is your opinion on this ICE sting nets 121 gang members 19 guns, brass knuckles, cocaine, crack,marijuana

What is your opinion on this ICE sting nets 121 gang members 19 guns, brass knuckles, cocaine, crack,marijuana

IRVING — They’re the most menacing of the menacing in the Metroplex — violent street gang members who murder, sexually assault children and engage in organized crime.

And when a weeklong roundup ended Sunday night, 121 people identified as gang members, including 47 from Fort Worth and 12 from Arlington, were in custody, authorities announced Monday.

The federal and local operation also seized 19 guns, brass knuckles and a switchblade, 3.4 kilograms of cocaine, less than a gram of crack, 1 gram of heroin and 1.1 kilograms of marijuana, officials said at a news conference in Dallas.

“These are not people you want living next door to you,” said John Chakwin Jr., special agent in charge of the Office of Investigations for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Dallas.

The roundup was part of a program called Operation Community Shield. ICE is involved, Chakwin said, because past assessments of gang activity have indicated that many members are foreign-born and are in the country illegally, have criminal convictions or are involved in crime along the border.

Of those arrested, 63 were on warrants for criminal offenses and 58 were classified as illegal immigrants, Chakwin said.

Members or associates of 27 gangs were arrested.

The basic strategy of Community Shield has been to disrupt gang activity by arresting and prosecuting gang members and by impeding the flow of money in and out of gangs, officials said.

U.S. Attorney Richard Roper said those arrested would be prosecuted “using every arrow in the quiver” or would be deported.

“Forty-seven arrests — that’s going to have an impact,” Fort Worth Police Chief Ralph Mendoza said.

Operation Community Shield

Initiated in February 2005, Operation Community Shield is a national strategy targeting violent gangs. Originally the focus of operation was the Mara Salvatrucha organization, or MS13. In May 2005, Community Shield was expanded to include all criminal street gangs “that pose a threat to national security and public safety.” Nationwide, since the program’s inception, more than 4,500 people from 532 gangs have been arrested.
I’m sure Sullivan will make sure they get housed with the imprisoned Border Patrol agents.

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