What is your opinion of the following article? The UN loves Barack Obama because he is weak?

Agree? Disagree?
Some excerpts:
It is natural that much of the UN will embrace an American president who declines to offer strong American leadership. A president who engages dictators like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hugo Chavez will naturally gain respect from the leaders of the more than 100 members of the United Nations who are currently designated as “partly free” or “not free” by respected watchdog Freedom House.
The UN is not a club of democracies – who still remain a minority within its membership – it is a vast melting pot of free societies, socialist regimes and outright tyrannies. Obama’s clear lack of interest in human rights issues is a big seller at the UN, where at least half its members have poor human rights records.
The president scores highly at the UN for refusing to project American values and military might on the world stage, with rare exceptions like the war against the Taliban. His appeasement of Iran, his bullying of Israel, his surrender to Moscow, his call for a nuclear free world, his siding with Marxists in Honduras, his talk of a climate change deal, have all won him plaudits in the large number of UN member states where US foreign policy has traditionally been viewed with contempt.
Simply put, Barack Obama is loved at the UN because he largely fails to advance real American leadership. This is a dangerous strategy of decline that will weaken US power and make her far more vulnerable to attack.
Do you think we’re more vulnerable to attack?
No. We’re getting our respect back. Other countries are glad to be rid of Bush Republican bullies and aggressors. We are strong without being aggressors, we are not the old Soviet Union.
Most people know the difference between not being a dick head and being weak…
Upset that we are not the biggest bully anymore?
We don’t have the money to be, we spent it on… WARS!
Its the same reason Obama took all those non votes and was merely present during his political career. He does not like to take a stand on controversial issues unless he has the mob behind him. Its just another symptom of his narcissistic personality that he will cow to the mob instead of oppose it he loves the spot light no matter who shines it on him. To Obama everyone is an adoring fan and possible accomplice to his agenda.
Of course they love him he has made us weak and sold out our intrests
This article is an opinion from Nile Gardiner,who is director of the Margrethe Thatcher Center, a conservative think tank..It would surprise me if they were to praise Presidents Obamas efforts to reach out to
the world and show an American President with a human face!
Instead of sounding weak it is more like he is campaigning to be the leader of the world when we are forced to be under one world government.
To be honest…no. No one is vulnerable because no one wants war. The regular people don’t want war, I speak from a country in Europe. America is the most powerful nation in the world, no one is going to mess with America but some of us do fear you. Believe it or not, Obama is actually very much liked in Europe. Yeah, an odd joke here and there but to be honest with you, we were scared of McCain because he was like a mirror image of Bush.
Obama does not bully Israel. In fact, America was the only country I know that fully supported Israels strike on Lebanon. Obama is not bullying Israel, he is just saying calm it down, no one wants war because so many innocent people are dying, Israel has to stop reacting with mindless bombing, it’s hurting people.
Surrender to Moscow? I get my media sources from several different countries, not just my own. I know how media works. I have a lot of respect for Russia, they are not half as bad as the media portray them. Yup, Russia has made mistakes, we all have, but they are a sensible nation and I am delighted to see warm relations between America and Russia. Life’s too short guys….
Nuclear Free World- I’m delighted. It will never happen but it would be like a slab of evil been taken away from the planet, making us feel so much lighter and happier.
Iran are not a threat to anyone, they are a peaceful people. But they really don’t like being provoked.
You won’t be attacked. No country would in their right minds attack America. The country is too powerful and influential by far.
I could go on but I’ll get thumbs down anyway. But I just thought you’d like to hear a view from an outsider.
Liberals hate when you expose their real agenda. Well, many liberals do not really understand where they are going, they just follow the mob, who is led by people who know exactly what they are doing and where they are going.
The sheep will say the USA is wrong, a bully, should not interfere as the world’s policeman, remain silent while dictators, murderers and terrorists expand their domain and power.
With a paper tiger as President, terrorists know if they attack the USA, there will be no retribution, just empty talk and “show” but no commitment to fight terrorism. After 911, if Gore had stolen the 2000 election, he would have deferred to the UN and most likely there would have been another attack, probably a dirty bomb killing hundreds of thousands. The UN love the US neutralized, so they can claim domain over the world.
I agree with this article and enjoy how it upsets the cowards, traitors, communists, socialists and terrorist supporters.
Wow when did being referred to as weak equate respect.What he is doing compromises us on every level by trying to be Mr.congeniality rather than leader of the free world.But with him as POTUS how much longer will we truly be free ? And yes we are more vulnerable to attack his strategies(if you can call them that) are a mirror image to carters only set in a different time.