What is the Best strain of medical weed?

i will be trying it out for the nausea i am having. i need to try out a few that are specially for this problem. Also, im not sure if i should just try smoking som mid grade weed first as to going straight to the godo stuff? i dont want to get too high and feel even worse. i have smoked before, and i smoke some very good purple kush, then a bong rip of some mids, and i felt even worse than before.
Go for some weaker indica-dominant strains if it’s going to be a long-term thing. Smoking strong sativa strains every day can cause damage in a few months while weak indica ones can take years to cause any real damage. Of course, you could go for a weaker sativa or a stronger indica, or you could just take a toke or two of the stronger strains. Like I said: as a long-term thing, a bowl of medium-quality indica a day is probably best. I don’t know any specific strains for your problem, but I think indica is what you’re looking for.
If you are using it to relieve nausea then you want a sativa strain or sativa dominant strain i am pretty sure. I am not positive though. Indica is more of a body high and sativa is more of a heady high. You could ask the people at the club if you are going to one. I would just go straight to the good stuff, don’t smoke mids if you don’t have too.
I am at school right now so most of the sites i was trying to search were blocked but this one http://anempiremania.blogspot.com/2009/09/re-up-sativa-vs-indica.html
Most sites say they are both effective in helping nausea and gives some characteristics of both. I will try to find more info later.
I think you should try out some different indica and sativa strains and see which ones works best for you. Everyone is different so different strains will work for different people.