What interview questions should I ask police officers about marijuana legalization?

What interview questions should I ask police officers about marijuana legalization?

I’m doing a report for my english class about why marijuana should be legalized. There are many reasons including the fact that cigarettes and alcohol are much more harmful, it’s be smart economically because the government could tax it, they would stop spending $9 billion a year on marijuana prohibition enforcement, etc. So what questions could i ask that would sort of steer them in the direction that legalization would be smart?

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[repostus jump=4 hash=2ba4339e37d12de1593d7755ef0dcbe9 title=Michigan+Lawmakers+Pushing+Bill+to+Lift+Marijuana+Prohibition%2C+Bipartisan+Support host=stonesdetroit.com+ short=1GrhV snip=By+Ali+Papademetriou+House+Bill+4623+would+greatly+lessen+the+penalty+for+being+in+possession+of+small+amounts+of+marijuana+in+the+state+of+Michigan%2C+making+it+only+a+civil+violation+rather+than+criminal.+The+bill+was+introduced+in+April+by+Representative+Jeff+Irwin+and+is+co-sponsored+by+Representatives%26hellip%3B thumb=5920338] Read More »
