What happens when you are caught in your car with under an ounce of marijuana in California?

We live in Southern California. My 18 year old daughter just got caught smoking pot with her friend in her parked car. She had a very small amount of marijuana (under an ounce). I am worried sick about this, and I’m wondering what is going to happen. She basically got a traffic ticket for it, and will receive a notice to appear in court. The police officer took the pot, and let her leave after searching her car. Does anyone out there know what to expect?
they won’t spank her butt if that is what you want to know…..its a misdomeanor and a minimal fine….about $75.00—-get the payment plan and make her pay it….
She did not receive a traffic ticket for the marijuana. It was a misdemeanor summons to appear in court on a criminal charge. Possession of under 36 grams in the State of California is a midemeanor. She will likely only have to pay a fine and maybe do some community service.
its not like she will see any prison time. its a misdemeanor. chances are she wont even see jail time. probably just a fine. in some cases possetion of pot, an illegal weapon, and trying to resist arrest is hardly even 2 days in jail. (my brother-in-law is a cop and on a ride along thats what happend at a stop)