what exactly is Headhunter incense?

I recently bought Headhunter incense at a local head shop and tried smoking it. I was told that it was supposed to be like k2, but the result I got was completely different than anything I had expected. It felt more like the on set of Salvia, only without being completely out of your head, the best way I can describe it is that your body feels the way a strobe light is. You also feel slow, and heavy, but relaxed at the same time, and it lasted at least 2 hours. I have been trying to find information on what Headhunter actually is, but I cannot seem to find anything about it online, and no one at the head shops seem to know. If someone could just clarify exactly what it is that I smoked, I would definitely appreciate it!!
If I knew wtf I was smoking, I wouldn’t be asking on yahoo answers. And no, it isn’t the wrong section, spirituality is a lot more than reading from a book, singing songs, and drinking wine that represent blood. Try Peyote, and THEN talk to me about spirituality. Thanks.
WTF are you smoking?
wrong section
I’ve been trying to find the same thing out. I found it at a local porn shop about a month ago and it’s getting really popular around here, but it seems like no one really knows what it is. The guy at the porn shop said it would feel like smoking weed, but it is way more intense. I read a couple articles about K2 online that said K2 is a blend of herbs that have been sprayed with a chemical compound that is an alternative to THC that was accidently discovered in a study of the effects of weed. The article seemed to suggest that K2 and headhunter are the same thing, but I guess it’s not? And what’s weird is that the different “flavors” of headhunter feel different. The pineapple is reeeaaallly intensel, almost too intense. But the regular isn’t as bad, but still much much stronger than weed. I guess the stuff they spray on K2 is supposed to be 10X stronger and more concentrated than THC, so maybe that’s why it feels so much more intense.
Headhunter incense is a kind of herbal incense which imitates the effects of a real weed, and this is the reason why you are feeling high. It usually lasts for 2 hours. Although it can get you high, you can still pass urine drug tests since herbal incense doesn’t contain THC which is the substance tested in drug tests. Among the numerous brands of herbal incense around, in the end I found Wildfire Herbal Incense as the most potent around. It has a long-lasting high and nice-smelling blends.