what exactly is Headhunter incense?

what exactly is Headhunter incense?

I recently bought Headhunter incense at a local head shop and tried smoking it. I was told that it was supposed to be like k2, but the result I got was completely different than anything I had expected. It felt more like the on set of Salvia, only without being completely out of your head, the best way I can describe it is that your body feels the way a strobe light is. You also feel slow, and heavy, but relaxed at the same time, and it lasted at least 2 hours. I have been trying to find information on what Headhunter actually is, but I cannot seem to find anything about it online, and no one at the head shops seem to know. If someone could just clarify exactly what it is that I smoked, I would definitely appreciate it!!
If I knew wtf I was smoking, I wouldn’t be asking on yahoo answers. And no, it isn’t the wrong section, spirituality is a lot more than reading from a book, singing songs, and drinking wine that represent blood. Try Peyote, and THEN talk to me about spirituality. Thanks.

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