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What does this TX law apply to?

What does this TX law apply to?

The link below shows Texas’ laws about tax stamps for those in possesion of controlled substances (marijuana, etc.) Who or what does this law apply to? I was under the impression that any amount of marijuana yields jail time, and legal penalties it Texas. Is this for pharmacies and such?

First answerer, Any amount of marijuana is punishable by jail time in Texas, a minimum of 180 days, and fines, etc. Check this website if you dont believe me… http://norml.org/index.cfm?wtm_view=&Group_ID=4566

Second answerer, you make a lot of sense. Upon further research on my end, i found out that Texas uses this law as a way impose additional penalties on the suspect… tax evasion. So this law is Texas’ way of being able to collect a lot more money from offenders.

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