What do you smoke weed out of besides pipes and bongs?

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“it’s educational”-im sure *wink*
bongs are the way to go!
My roommate told me she smoked weed out of a pumpkin, LOL
Besides pipes & bongs, the only other way to catch a good “BUZZ” is to roll a “big fat one”.
I have not done this myself…….. but…..i have seen people smoke it out of soda/beer cans and alum. Foil.
you can smoke out of paper (rolling papers, blunt wraps, cigarillos, etc.) but also realize that pipes and bongs have very fun subcategories (waterpipes, bubblers, gravity bongs/waterfall bongs, and many more).
Theres soo many different kinds of bongs like gravity bongs are my favorite one hit and your f*cked, and ive been smoking for awhile. Joints or blunts are good too. You can smoke out of an appl or a potato,any friut/vegtable with that sort of texture, that you can carve to make it so it can be smoked out of, I liek the apple cuz it makes it taste good, plus after you get a resign filled apple to eat after!